Sleeper Build

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As always Kiyo went to sleep instantly and by this point nobody was surprised but someone had to break the news to him that he cant' sleep the entire day as they had to go to the pool after lunch and after lunch when Kiyo planned to go to sleep "Ayanokouji-kun you cant sleep just yet, we have to go  to  the  pool"  Kushida  said with her regular smile

'We have to go to the pool today?' Kiyo  thought to himself  "Ok" He replied with his regular poker face. With that Kiyo headed towards the pool lazily

Of course Kiyo didn't hate the pool he just likes his  sleep a thousand times better. Kiyo, like  always, tried to find  the  closest place to sleep which was on a bench right outside the  changing rooms, unfortunately he was convinced to at least change into the swimming suit. Nobody new what was in store for them when he did though

After changing  into his swimming trunks he didn't bother putting on the rash guard as he went to sleep at the side of the  pool  instantly, And of course no one bothered to wake him as he looked to comfy  to wake up as he was indeed wrapped in the blanket he bought

To bad for Kiyo he had to wake up at some  point for the swimming classes, so once again someone  had to wake up the sleeping Kiyo  and of course nobody wanted to wake him up except for the class angel

"Hey! Ayanakouji-kun you gotta wake up" Kushida said approaching the peacefully asleep Kiyo "Come on sleepy head, you have to get up" Kushida  said while she unravels the burrito wrapped Kiyo "Come on *Poke* Get *Poke* Up" Kushida said attempting to wake up the asleep Kiyo 'Why won't this  work? Maybe if I' 

*Pat* *Pat*

In Kushida's head here was no way this would work but to  her  surprise "Hmm, Huh? Oh hey Kushida" Said the newly woken Kiyo 'There's no way that worked' Kushida thought "You cant fall asleep now we have swimming  class" Kushida said 

"Thanks for the heads up" Kiyo said as he started standing up taking his pillow and blanket and  setting them down "No probl-" Kushida was about to say as she got interrupted by her own thoughts 'Wow Ayanokouji is pretty fit' Kushida thought, of course this didn't go unnoticed by the two sport heavy classmates 

"Wow Ayanokoji-kun your pretty fit" said Onodera "Yeah your the definition of  sleeper  build" said Sudo which caught the attention of most of the class. If you're wondering how someone who sleeps so much is actually that fit

Of course, it was  because of the training he went under in the white room but it was also due to the fact that he did some regular exercise that he did to maintain his super human body because he wouldn't want to have to do all that work over again

"Hey Ayanokouji-kun what's your work out schedule" Said the two sport obsessed classmates "I exercise every now and then" Said Kiyo 'There's no way that's true' thought the two in unison, while Kiyo was done with their interrogation he went on with his things while his two classmates started scheming up a plan

Of course the worst swimmers in the class had to take extra lessons so Kiyo may not have tried his best but he still tried, getting into the final round of swimmers only to not even swim in the final round 'I can finally sleep' Kiyo thought as he  headed towards on of the chairs next to the pool and fell asleep instantly

"Hey, its time to put our plan into action" Said Onodera to the other sport fanatic "Come on lets go" Said Sudo also wanting to put the plan into action. As the classmates approached the asleep Kiyo wanting to do something to the unsuspecting Kiyo someone just had to interrupt "What are you two doing?" Asked Horikita "Uh...Nothing" Said Sudo 

"I'm not believing that for one second" Said Horikita not believing their obvious lie "Were not gonna do anything bad we just wanna check Ayanakouji-kun out" Onodera Said pleading innocence "Check Ayanokouji-kun out? What are you talking about?" Horikita asked the two "Didn't you see Ayanokouji-kun earlier? He totally goes to the gym" Onodera Said to the confused Horikita

'That guy works out?'  Horikita thought "I don't believe it" Horikita said in retaliation "If you don't believe us come see it for yourself" Sudo said trying to persuade Horikita to join them "Fine, but only because I don't believe it" Horikita replied 'Were not getting in trouble lets go' thought Sudo

Of course Horikita herself didn't believe that Ayanokouji was actually fit or well kept at all because of how lazy he is, she was not ready for what was in store for what she was going to see. As they got to Kiyo's sleep spot they didn't even bother to be careful of waking him up because of how heavy of a sleeper he is, so with that in mind they unraveled him from his burrito and "Wow, I guess he is fit" Horikita Muttered, while she was staring at Ayanokouji the other two actually did much more such as

*Poke* *Poke* 

"Dang, Ayanokouji-kun is actually ripped" Said Sudo 

*Poke* *Poke* 

"Yeah, he's pretty hard" Onodera added, naturally this got Horikita curious so once again

*Poke* *Poke*

'Wow, he's stiff' Horikita Thought, and now there was a group of people assaulting or poor Kiyo of course he didn't really care. The day went on like regular after that except for some reason Kiyo's seatmate was staring at him differently but he didn't care

As usual Kiyo went on with his day sleeping wherever he could and had the option to of course one of his favorite places to sleep was  the roof when he has free time so he just chilled there for most of the day

He went back to his dorm room to sleep and as soon as he got there he was greeted with the warm embrace of his bed and fell asleep easily

The next day...

As usual Kiyo slept the entirety of the class time while his seatmate Horikita went to speak with chabashira sensei for whatever reason but when she came back she was staring holes into Kiyo which actually caught his attention this time 'Hmm, I wonder what she wanted to tell sensei, or what sensei told her' Kiyo wondered

(That's it for this chapter, but I wanna ask how long should I make these updates as these seem a little short to me but, they do take some time)

(Also one more thing, Should we make this Kiyo go down the Harem route? Let me know, see ya)

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