Missing Bed-Chan

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After a bad night on the stiff tent floor Kiyo was glad he brought his blanket and pillow everywhere he went. You would expect Kiyo to be the last one to wake up, but on the contrary Kiyo wakes up very early, old habits die hard

'What should I do to pass the time? I can't really sleep here, well I could but I don't really want to' Kiyo thought, and so the journey for a good place to sleep began, Kiyo searched far and wide looking for a spot that looked comfy enough to sleep at and ended up at one area

It was the waterfall that made their river and it seems like its a base with some tents and huts around. This place seemed much more comfy to sleep in than his base as there were more huts and tents around here, they even had a table. Kiyo made himself at home and went into a tent sleeping on the nearest bed

"AGH!!" Of course it would cause a ruckus in the camp but Kiyo didn't care. "Theres someone sleeping in this tent" a girl screamed "Don't freak out its just a person sleeping" Ichinose said reassuring that it was fine. Ichinose walked into the tent and saw the sleeping Kiyo 'What is Ayanokouji-kun doing in here?'

Ichinose knew Kiyo from a time where she asked him to pretend to be her boyfriend, but in the end he declined and gave her some good advice that she used during a confession "Come on Ayanokouji-kun wake up" Though they know each other from that one event, Ichinose still didn't know how to wake him up

"Wake up Ayanokouji-kun, You gotta get up" Ichinose was struggling to wake up the asleep Kiyo no matter what she did, so in the end she had to send someone to get someone that could wake him up

Eventually Horikita came along and woke the sleeping Kiyo 'How did he even get here? And he wound up in the girls tent to' Horikita mentally sighed, but this was a good opportunity for Horikita and Ichinose, because both the leaders were there they formed an alliance to not try and attack or guess each others leader

"Wow, I can't believe you traveled all the way there just for a better bed" Horikita proceeded to scold Kiyo for invading class B's base. After she was done with the scolding they returned to their base and made plans for the day

Kiyo got stuck with scouting again so he went looking around the area with his group when they stumbled upon a certain blue haired girl "Woah, are you okay?" a defect asked, it seemed like they were in class C they also had a red mark on their cheek so it looked like class C had a little fight

Kiyo didn't pay much attention to what was happening neither did he care. In the end they took the girl back to their base. Some people were against the idea of having an enemy in their base but the majority left her be so she found her own spot to stay

For a while everything was fine, a day or two went by and they still had the blue haired girl with them. One day when everyone was asleep "ITS MISSING!" everyone heard a scream from the girls tent "It's gone!" The boys ran out of their tent to see a crying Kei

"What's going on?" Hirata asked one of the nearby girls "Someone stole Karuizawas pantie" The girl replied "It was probably one of you!" Shinohara said pointing at the boys and accusing them "Hey wait up, we can't go around pointing fingers" Hirata said trying to calm down the situation

"Why accuse us?! We have another person here thats not even from our class, she probably did it!" Ike said in retaliation "What?!? I would never do something like this" She retaliated. The arguing went on for a while until they came to a conclusion

"Then let us search your bags!" Shinohara said "Fine by me I have nothing to hide!" Ike blurted out, with that the boys bags started getting searched but not by the girls by Hirata because he said it would be a breach of privacy

"Hey Ike are you okay?" Kiyo heard Sudo ask Ike "No way did you actually take it?" Sudo asked "No no, I swear I didn't take it!" Ike said pleading them to believe him "Ayanokouji you believe me right?" Ike asked "Sure" Kiyo replied shortly "Hey keep the line moving" Hirata said from the front "Ah what do I do with this?!?" Ike said pointing at the panties that were in his bag

"I'm sorry Ayanokouji" Ike said as he took the panties out of his bag and tossed them at Kiyo "Im ready to be checked Hirata" Ike said with confidence. Kiyo was lazy and wanted to get this over with went to Kei and "Here" Kiyo said handing her the missing panties

"Huh?" Kei was confused by this action and then she saw Kiyo walking away "Wait! Ayanokouji-kun who took it?" Kei asked Kiyo "I don't know, just say that I took it or something I just want to sleep" Kiyo said leaving Kei by herself

Kei later told everyone that she just misplaced them and that she had just found them wich confused some of the boys, particularly the ones that had seen Kiyo walk off with panties, but they weren't questioning it as the problem was resolved in the end

'I'm not so sure I trust.... Ibuki was her name i think' Kiyo thought to himself trying to get comfy on the hard tent floor still regretting the fact that he ever cheated on Bed-chan, in the end he finally went to sleep on the stiff floor

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