Kiyo's Festival Experience

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After getting some well deserved rest Kiyo had a slightly bigger day than usual, after meeting up with Horikita he got the news broken to him that he had to participate in a total of one singular event which was the baton passing marathon (idk what its called lol)

"Was there any reason in specific you chose me for this one?" Kiyo asked her "Well I know you weren't going to participate in more than one and we don't really have fast people in our class, so I figured that this was one you would actually try a little at" Horikita answered

She was correct on assuming that he'd only participate in one though "Thanks Horikita, for giving me the easiest one" Kiyo was slightly grateful for having the easiest challenge for the sports festival

'Well I don't like participating in general but at least I have the easier of the challenges and it's the last one too, so I have all the time in the world' Kiyo was contaplaiting what to do in the meantime but it was eventually all pointless as he ended up just sleeping

While sleeping he had a nice dream about sleeping even more but it was ruined because of a certain dark haired girl

"Ayanokouji-kun the run is going to start after this event" Horikita informed the sleepy Kiyo "*Sigh* Alright ill get ready I guess" Kiyo was saddened as he got up to get ready for the run "So, how have things been going?" Kiyo asked

"Actually the have been going pretty well, it seems like the separate interviews worked pretty well for our decisions on who to send out for what" Horikita said updating Kiyo on the situation'Thank god she did them separately, or else I would have had to actually do something' Kiyo thought

"Well I think it's starting soon, so go get to your spot" Horikita was eager to get Kiyo out and Kiyo was eager to get this over with

Kiyo went to the spot he was assigned and saw the student council president there as well, but Kiyo did not plan on getting to involved with him

After waiting a while Kiyo saw Kushida running with the baton in hand and in a weird coincidence she seemed to be next to the 3rd year with the president's baton

'I don't really want attention,but I don't really want to lose' Kiyo had a tiny little competitive side to him. I mean he didn't want to lose but also didn't want to win

When the baton was handed to the president not even a second later Kiyo got his baton and the race had started at first Kiyo stayed behind the president but eventually he tied with him

The crowd was going wild but Kiyo was more focused on trying to perfectly tie them but to everyones surprise a 3rd year had fallen in front of Kiyo and it caused him to slow down a tiny bit

In the end the president ended up winning which was to Kiyo's dismay but he didn't mind it too much "What was that all about?" Horikita asked Kiyo "I don't know, I just didn't want to lose, but someone got in my way so it is what it is"

Horikita wasn't really happy with that answer but she knew she wasn't getting more out of him so she just left it at that "Well you did better than expected, so feel free to enjoy your sleep" Horikita told Kiyo

"You don't have to tell me twice" With those magical words Kiyo took it as an incentive to head back to his dorm and get some good sleep

After heading to his dorm he instantly went to sleep immediately. Apparently class D did better than expected in the sports festival earning them some points but all that mattered to Kiyo was that with a little effort, he was told to go to sleep

'I wonder if I did more stuff like that I could sleep for even longer' Kiyo thought to himself 'Well it's not like I need they're permission to sleep, but I guess it would be beneficial to have them say I can. it would suck if everyone in the class hated me because if this' Kiyo continued his thoughts

'I guess that could count as fun, but I'm not entirely sure what fun is' Kiyo went on a little tangent in his mind till he decided to stop and take a little nap as always

(Yo whats up? I know it's been a while but here you go. I may update it every now and then but that really depends on how im feeling, I hope ye enjoy :) )

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