Kiyo's Day Out

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"Hey Sato, what's ice cream?" Kiyo asked. With that question Kiyo got everyone's attention even Horikita's as they have never heard of someone who hasn't had ice cream before let alone never heard of it "Your kidding right Ayanokouji-kun" Sato asked in a worried voice "No? why is it something bad?" Kiyo questioned after seeing everybody's expression

After everyone in the classroom heard him ask that question, they started whispering to each other. This went on for a while until the room went silent until "Ayanokouji-kun have you really not had ice cream before?" Kushida asked "No. why does nobody believe that?" Kiyo questioned

"It's just, hard to believe that" Kushida answered "Why is that?" Kiyo questioned "It's just ice cream is popular" Kushida said "Okay" Kiyo said leaving satisfied with the answer, but some people had other ideas

"Wait Ayanokouji-kun, want to go out for some ice cream?" Kushida asked "Sure" Kiyo answered "Can I join to?" Hirata asked "If Hirata's going then I want to come to" One of the Hiratards said. After that one by one the entire class joined in on the ice cream trip, even Horikita

So now everyone was on their way to get ice cream with small chats along the way "Hey Ayanokouji-kun, why do you always have that deadpan expression" Said Sato the one who started it all "Well I don't like to waste energy" Kiyo responded "Hmm" Sato hummed in an almost angry tone "What?" Kiyo asked at the hum "I don't like that answer" Sato said

"Well it's the only answer" Kiyo said ending the conversation as they were in range of the shop. Everyone was choosing they're flavors when Kiyo realized he didn't account for something "What flavor should I get?" Kiyo asked his classmates

With that question a war was started on which flavor should be the first Kiyo tastes. Some wanted him to try chocolate and others wanted him to try strawberry or rocky road but, in the end he went with the basics, vanilla ice cream

Everyone, now with ice cream in hand were staring at Kiyo who had ice cream in hand about to taste his first bite of ice cream

"This is good" Kiyo said

"A-ayankouji-kun you ar-" Sato was about to mention when "There's no need to tell him" Surprisingly  Horikita said, Kiyo was to focused on his ice cream to see that the people around him were "Sick" again including Hir- *Cough*

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"A-ayankouji-kun you ar-" Sato was about to mention when "There's no need to tell him" Surprisingly Horikita said, Kiyo was to focused on his ice cream to see that the people around him were "Sick" again including Hir- *Cough*

Everyone was enjoying their time out, especially Kiyo himself as he seemed to be really enjoying the ice cream. Kiyo was ordering different flavors of ice cream over and over again, like a child. Even though Kiyo seemed to be wasting points nobody bothered since it was his first time being able to enjoy the taste of ice cream

Kiyo was enjoying his time when he had an idea, Kiyo went up to Horikita and whispered something "Can we go to the theater to? I want to watch a movie" Kiyo asked "I guess, but why did you ask me?" Horikita questioned "I don't know" Kiyo answered "Fine" Horikita said

"Hey, who wants to go to the theater?" Horikita asked the class, some were surprised that she asked so she had to clarify "Not for me but for Ayanokouji-kun" Then everyone starred at Kiyo but all he did was nod to confirm her words

Some people dropped out and couldn't go because of lack of points but most of them stayed to go to the movies, the entire day Kiyo went around going from shop to shop having himself a good time and causing even more people to get "Sick" from him having a faint smile on him most of the time

Kiyo enjoyed his time out and it seems like Bed-chan has a competitor for Kiyo's love. After a day out Kiyo headed towards the dorm only to be stopped by a voice "Ayanokouji-kun, can we speak?" Horikita said "Sure" Kiyo responded

"Come with me" Horikita said "Why cant we speak here?" Kiyo asked "It's something I don't want the other classes to over hear" Horikita answered 'Ugh I hate doing work for the class' Kiyo thought. Every where they went it was crowded and there was no where they could talk privately, not even the roof

So there was only one place they could go for a private talk, but Horikita seemed against it "W-well we could go to my room but, I dont think this is worth the effort anymore" Horikita stated "Let's just go to my room, I dont want all the time we spent looking for a spot to be wasted" Kiyo said tired and wanting to get this over with

Horikita followed Kiyo to his room reluctantly because of what she wanted to ask. Now they were in Kiyo's room but Horikita noticed something 'His room is very.... Bland' As Kiyo's room has almost nothing but different blankets and pillows

"Well were here now, what did you want to talk about?" Kiyo asked Horikita "It's about the vacation that's coming up, do you really think it's a field trip?" Horikita stated her suspicions about the up coming vacation that they were about to have "If I'm being honest then no, I dont think this will be a regular vacation" Kiyo said

"Just seeing how this school acts you could probably tell that even the so called vacation is bound to be something suspicious" Kiyo stated "Well I guess your right, this school acts weird with the point system so I dont think I would trust this vacation either" Horikita added, Kiyo and Horikita talked about the suspicions they had for the vacation

After a while of talking Horikita returned to her room leaving Kiyo to have a date with Bed-chan with one thought on his mind 'She really wants to reach class A.... It's a annoying' Kiyo thought laying on his bed with his blanket wrapped around him burrito style to end the night

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