3. How It's Going

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When I searched on the internet for an incubator, the results didn't show what I needed. They were either pricey or small or both. There was none that could hold the enormous egg I had in my possession.

The other option was to build one, but I didn't have extra money, so I improvised. I bought two thermal lamps I could afford and created a warm cocoon around the egg with plenty of blankets. I also would talk to it as I heard once eggs and plants could feel your energy or something like that so I did just that.

Sometimes I would find myself glaring at the egg just thinking back on all the trouble it brought me. Two days ago, when it was time to head back to the car after our hike, the experience was so bad I declined the invitation Aaron made me about doing it again next weekend.

It was dark and the egg made my backpack pretty hefty, so it was really painful the hour and a half that took us to reach the car. Me being the last one to reach it, of course. It was difficult to hide my discomfort and I think it was clear to the rest that I was a lazy bitch with no enthusiasm for the outdoors. They were wrong... about the second part. I love the outdoors and nature, but not when you carry a heavy egg on your back.

I would also get stressed when I was working, thinking about the egg, wondering if it was alright. I knew there was life in there. The shell of the egg was too thick to see anything with a flashlight, but I could feel the movement. I think whatever was inside, was almost ready to get out to the real world. That thought only makes me more anxious.

I wonder... Would I be able to take care of it?

I close the door behind me leaving the keys on the table next to it

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I close the door behind me leaving the keys on the table next to it. I dropped my bag on the ground to walk a few steps so I could finally plop myself onto the bed.

"Arghhhh" I sigh, exhausted. This egg thing wasn't letting me rest properly. That's probably my fault for worrying too much over something that couldn't really move.

I close my eyes, ready to take a short nap when a cracking sound echoes in the almost empty space of the room. I open my eyes and stay still, my heart racing in my chest.

That can't be happening, right?

But then the sound was unmistakable.

I sat up staring at the egg, suddenly feeling very excited.

"You are finally hatching, you little shit!"

I jumped up and got on my knees in front of the egg. The cracks were visible and I could see the animal trying to push its way out of the egg.

"Come on, you can do it" I mutter softly and nock ever so slightly on the shell.

I heard a slight tiny squeal and then a snort. I tilt my head, wondering what kind of animal or bird would make such noise.

When it finally hatched, it was a sort of explosion of expanded wings and a hard head, small pieces of the egg's shell flowing everywhere.

Now it was my time to let out a squeal, one that wasn't small or cute.

I fell on my butt and I am quick to move backward away from the creature that looked at me as if it was a little drunk; its head moving awkwardly, moving its wings so they could dry themselves.

I don't know how long it's been but its state of disorientation dissipated and its eyes locked on me and barked and ran toward me, its tongue lolling out like a happy puppy.

It crashed against my chest, and I just couldn't move, despite it kind of emptying my lungs of air.

"Oh my god" I whispered when the creature starts making random noises that sound like happy ones. Its tail moved from one side to the other and it couldn't stop rubbing itself on me, licking me like an excited puppy.

I shook my head and focus my eyes on the creature and I just grab it and it happily lets me. I stare at it.

It. Is. A. Freaking, Dragon.

I couldn't contain myself.

"Aren't you the cutest!" I screamed in awe at the creature.

Dragons were my favorite mythological creature. They were just beautiful, but THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MYSTICAL, A LEGEND, NOT REAL.

"How did this happen?" I mumble to no one, really.

On instinct, I hug it close to my chest and it happily snuggled against me, purring. It warmed my heart that this creature felt safe with me, that wanted to be close to me. It made me feel loved and special, a way I haven't felt in a pretty long time.

"I will take care of you, I promise," I say to it, smiling, feeling that motherly feeling I usually feel with animals.

I stand up with it still in my arms and head to the kitchen. Now, what do baby dragons eat? Milk?

"Well... I have raw chicken" I say to it managing to take it out of the fridge to put it on the counter.

I tried to put the baby dragon onto the counter so I could get the chicken out of the bag but it clung onto me with strength, its tail hugging my neck as support.

I had to blink away the tears.

"I won't go anywhere, don't worry. I just need to get you some food"

It did nothing. It still had a strong hold on me.

"Fine" I sigh, starting to manipulate the bag with just one hand. I get the bag open and with a finger take a slimy chicken breast out. I make a face, hating the feeling of it.

When the dragon got a whiff of the chicken it instantly jumped onto the counter getting a hold of the chicken breast I intended to cut in half because it was big, but the creature swallowed it whole, leaving me open-mouthed.

"Well damn," I say under my breath.

I took another one out of the bag and the dragon swallowed it with no problem. I was debating between giving it another one or saving some for myself. Because you know... I'd like to eat some too but my motherly instincts had other ideas. I pull a third one but the dragon just stares at it and then at me. I just hold its gaze, not really knowing what it wants.

He barks, pointing its head at me and then looking at the chicken breast. My heart melted once again. It was making sure I had some too!

"Alright, I have some too, but not raw. Ew"

The baby dragon didn't stop staring at me while I cooked my meal and when I sat down to eat it. It was unnerving, really. I put a bowl of water in front of him and he had fun discovering water for the first time.

Guess who has to clean the kitchen after?


Well damn, now I want a baby dragon too x'D

I guess I have to be content with cats for now lol

I guess I have to be content with cats for now lol

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Fated To The Dragon KingWhere stories live. Discover now