4. Introducing The Little Shit

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I have had pets all my life. Fishes, dogs and cats. It wasn't really hard to take care of a pet. Feed them, give them a lot of love, teach them to behave and stuff. I thought it would be like that. Make sure I have food for the dragon, and teach it to go to the toilet if it needed to pee or poop. Give it love... But no pets would have prepared me for what I'd have to do with this little demon.

It was really cute, always wanting to go with me everywhere. Teaching it the basics was easy, the tricky part was stopping it from growling and barking because people would notice that wasn't a normal sound for a dog. And don't get me started with the fire. After it burned all my plants to ashes I gave up buying more. I had to buy a small muzzle for it. It was cruel and I hated it as much as the dragon did, but if I didn't want to come back from work to a burned building and dead bodies, I had to.

Though eventually, I realized if I forced him to drink a lot of water, its throat and whatever that created the fire would be too humid to make fire.

We've been progressing. I bought treats to teach him stuff as if it was a dog. Now it wasn't so bad, but it still hurt to leave the baby dragon all alone in the apartment when I had to go to work because I knew it saw me as its mother. But we've survived so far and that's a huge achievement.

The small creature still left a fair share of messes. First was when I showed him the toilet where he must do his private business because it would be cheaper and I really didn't know how much they pee or poop, which turn out to be a lot.

He first thought it was a bathtub and jumped into it splashing water everywhere. After that, I had to give him a bath because... GROSS! And that was a whole new challenge. The shrieking, the splashing... If only choking wouldn't be considered abuse... Joking!

Then I had to barricade the fridge after returning from work to find the little devil covered in food as well as the floor and counters. It made sure to have a bite of EVERYTHING! Guess who didn't eat that night and the next morning?

Then I had to teach him that climbing the curtains was not allowed. And that the decorating pillows weren't another form of food and that would make it puke like a madman. And don't ask how I found out its teeth and claws are as sharp and painful as needles.

After all that circus, I just wanted a peaceful night's sleep, but found myself buying earplugs because who would have guessed that little demons could snore like a grown-ass man?

He is waaaay too lucky he is cute.

Today is Friday and movie night!

I bought raw meat that looked suspicious but the babydragon loved it and hadn't gotten sick.

At this point, I gave up trying to figure out if it was a male or a female, because it didn't have balls hanging like a dog or something that would help me identify it, Though I suspected it was a male, don't ask me why. It just looked like a baby boy.

I dig in my bag for the apartment keys already hearing the small dragon whimpering on the other side of the door.

Suddenly, I'm pushed against the wall, a hand squeezing my throat and lifting me up from the floor. I try to fight the huge man that appeared in front of me with deadly red eyes, instead of round pupils, he had a slit like a snake.

I cry, scared shitless. Who was that man and where had he appeared from?

"I know you have him. WHERE IS HE?!" he roared, the walls shaking.

I close my eyes terrified. What was he talking about???

"THE EGG YOU MUT! WHERE IS IT?!" he growled squeezing his hold even more. Black spots started appearing in my sight and everything started to blur, and I felt light-headed.

I struggled in his firm grip, trying to bring air into my lungs so I could explain. To tell this monster of a man that I had him, that he was completely safe but it was of no use. Don't know how he thought was a good idea to ask questions while simultaneously holding his victim in a way the victim couldn't speak.

Ironic, I must say.

I hear a squeal and a growl, the dragon jumping on the man scratching him, pulling the stranger away from me. The man let go of me and I fell on the floor hard. I groan and I allow my body to relax, too dizzy to react.

"My child. I am your father..." is the last thing I hear after I give in to the darkness.

" is the last thing I hear after I give in to the darkness

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