24. What Is This That I Feel?

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope all your dreams come true this year and reach your goals🥂❤️‍🔥


I was in my office filling out forms for new projects, struggling to concentrate with the headache I had. My beast was the one to thank for it. Since I made it clear to Lilly that nothing between us could happen, he hadn't stopped pacing in my head. He was furious with me for chasing her away and was making me pay for it.

He was being a drama queen and needed to get over it. I needed a strong queen who could at least protect my son in case it came to it. He will come to his senses eventually... I could only be hopeful of that. It was rare that a shifter and their beast were in disagreement. We are a team, after all, sharing the same soul.

At that moment, someone knocked at my door, and even though I wasn't expecting anyone, I let the person on the other side of the door come in.

It was my cousin, Cassian, and Lilly's scent was all over him.

I grit my teeth and force out a greeting.

"It's been a while, my lord, my King, cousin," he smiles widely sitting in a seat in front of my desk.

Despite his luck in life, he continued being the cheerful man he always had been. I think it was mostly for the sake of his daughter and I could understand that, now that I was also a father. He's been always an extrovert, he knew his way with words and was good at flirting. His behavior made him look younger than he really was, and that attracted women.

I hated to think that Lilly could perfectly fall for a man like him. He was handsome, charming, and a real gentleman but was also laid back and knew how to cheer people up. He was pretty much the life of the party. Well, I guess without having the weight of a whole kingdom over one's shoulder allow you to behave like that.

Sadly for me, I always had to be responsible and on guard. I wasn't able to fool around like him when young because I had an image to maintain. All my training and responsibilities didn't allow me much time for fun stuff and in the end, I grew used to it and ended up preferring the solitude and life indoors.

After all, is all I've ever known.

"So... Are you and Lilly a thing? I saw you dancing together at the ball" Cassian is quick to mention it and I pretend to be busy with the papers on my desk.

"No. That was just a one-time thing. There's nothing between us and never will"

The words felt like acid in my mouth, but I knew that if I told myself that many times, I'll believe it to be true.

"Oh, great! You don't mind if I go out with her, then?"

I swear, my eye twitched.

"Of course not" I forced between my teeth.

"Amazing, glad to hear that. She is very pretty! And is very good with Edith and I can see she already likes her, which makes things easier for me, ya know?"

He smiled widely, probably already planning how to charm her and it made me nauseous.

"Cassian, I'd love to keep chatting, but I'm busy," I say quickly, knowing that he is the primary target of my beast, viewing him as a threat. He needed to leave before my beast decided to act on his own... again.

"Oh, of course! We should hang out soon. It was time for Brax to meet his cousin who would like to stay longer so they have fun together. And of course, I'll take advantage of being close to Lilly" he winks an eye and stands up.


I knew that if I said something else, would be a growl that would send him running for the hills, and I couldn't do that. I told Lilly we couldn't be a thing and I couldn't be selfish and stop her from seeing people, even if the idea made me murderous.

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