57. A Relationship To Build

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I arrived early in the morning, the sun hadn't come out yet. When I entered the room through the balcony, I found Lilly cuddled with Brax on the bed. Brax opened an eye when I closed the window door and when he saw it was me he went back to sleep.

I took my pants off and entered the bed behind my mate only in briefs. I silently join their hug and when my arms surround Lilly, she sighs content in her sleep. I kissed the top of her head and went to sleep.

 I kissed the top of her head and went to sleep

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I wake up to something caressing my face. Then I feel the light touch on my shoulder, lining the outline of my arm, then my stomach...

"Mhmm... I like that" I murmured with a hoarse voice, still sleepy.

"And I like touching you," Lilly answered, her breath hitting my face.

"Of course you do," I mocked, earning a light punch.

"Arrogant bastard."

"Come here, arrogant bastard's mate."

I wrapped my arms around her and turned onto my back. She screeched when I turned her abruptly, making me laugh.


"I thought I was arrogant bastard," I joked, finally opening my eyes to stare at hers, which were shining with humor.

"You are insufferable," she said, rolling her eyes.

"You won't think that when I fuck you real good," I wiggle my brows teasingly.

She groaned.

"We can't!" she whined throwing her head back.

My mood changed at the reminder.

"Right..." I said and then looked between us.

"I can't wait for your stomach to grow."

She looked down and smiled.

"Yeah, me neither," she looked up at me smiling but then became serious. "Can you tell me what happened last night with your brothers?"

I drop my head on the pillow, my mood brutally changing.

"Yeah, I actually wanted your advice."

When I said that, she seemed surprised.

"Really?" her eyes shone with hope.

"Of course. You are my mate and Queen, I want your input about important matters such as my family."

She smiled and jumped out of the bed. She was already dressed and when I go see the clock, I noticed was almost lunchtime.

"We can chat over lunch. Brax is with his teachers and a group of hatchlings, learning to socialize, so we have a few hours with just us."


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I was awake until late last night waiting on Phoenix while sensing our mate bond. When I first felt a surge of rage, I almost went there myself, but knew that this was Phoenix's battle. Then, I was surprised when I noticed he was calm. Still upset and wary, but calm. I suppose that communicating as adults had a result.

Now we were having lunch, and I was so excited that Phoenix wanted my advice on family matters. I felt so useful! And it meant that Phoenix trusted me and saw me as an equal.

We sat there, and while eating, he told me everything that went down with his siblings.

I was surprised when he explained that they came here for forgiveness, which was the opposite of what I got from their early behavior and demeanor with us.

"Do you think they are being untruthful?" I asked him, unsure to voice my doubts out loud. But he came to me for advice and I needed to be transparent with him.

"I don't know... I admit I never gave them a chance to reconcile. I was mourning my sister, and I just killed my father, so I wasn't in the right state of mind... And my fight with Tarek must have scared them off..."

For the first time, other than resentment toward his brothers, he felt guilt for almost killing his brother.

I cover his hand with mine, giving him a reassuring squeeze.

"I don't blame you for reacting the way you did. They betrayed and abandoned you, and came back in the worst moment possible... But if they indeed want a relationship with us and our children, we could give them the benefit of the doubt, if you so wish," I said, noticing his shoulder sagging. "But before allowing them a relationship with Brax, I think we should test the waters first. We need to start a relationship with them and their mates before involving the kids."

He nodded, smiling partly at my words.

"Yeah, we can do that..." he coincided. "But I still don't trust them though."

I snort at that.

"And that's perfectly okay. Trust is earned. If you don't feel comfortable opening our home to them, we can always meet in common ground, or even at the cabin they are staying at," I suggested and his eyes brightened.

"Fuck, you are so smart," he beamed at me, kissing the back of my hand. "I'm so glad I have you by my side."

I smiled at him, appreciative of his words.

"Thank you for letting me in."

It was my turn to kiss the back of his hand, which he chuckled, but then sobered up.

"I'm sorry for getting angry at you that day when you first mentioned my parents. I... Was scared that it might change your opinion of me."

He seemed ashamed, which was an odd sight. I lifted his face, cupping his cheek with my hand, and I smiled at him when he finally met my eyes.

"I really didn't appreciate that you pushed me away... But we talked it through, we fixed it and now look at us now. We've grown now!"

He chuckled, sharing my humor.

"So... Are you going to meet them now?"

"Yes, and I would like it if you come with me."

It was odd to be excited at his question. I wasn't really excited to meet his brothers. It was more of the fact that Phoenix had finally opened up to me and was letting me be part of his life and his past. We will be going through this new challenge together, as mates.


Hello my loves, since this chapter was short, I'll be posting another one tomorrow 😘

Have a lovely day!

Have a lovely day!

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