Breathtaking - Kipps x reader

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(part 3/4)

I do believe that Kipps was properly shocked. He had on a black tux that complimented my outfit.

"Wow. You-you look absolutely beautiful," He was grinning like an idiot.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I smiled as he helped me into the taxi.

We were sitting in silence as the car was driving. Then I spoke up.

"What exactly does one do at a ball?" I looked at him.

He chuckled a bit before realizing that I was serious, "Well, people dance, drink and mingle."

"The only person I'll be mingling with is you," I said shyly. "Knowing myself, I'd accidentally bump into Penelope Fittes and have my name dragged through mud in the tabloids the next morning."

"The Fittes' really aren't all that fancy. They're just regular people," Kipps shrugged.

I looked at him smiling. "Only you'd say that. The Fittes family is basically the Royal Family at this point."

We pulled up at Fittes HQ where a red carpet was already rolled out and paparazzi stood in the safe iron barriers to take pictures of the most famous guests.

Kipps opened the door for me and we both got out, walking hand in hand past the flashing lights and into the heavy air filled building already crowded with people.

I turned back and saw Lockwood and Lucy a few cars away from the entrance. Lucy's blue top stood out from everyone elses dull outfits.

I was led down a staircase to where some of Kipps' crew was. Bobby and Kat were all dressed up and sipping fizzy drinks.

"I want you to properly meet them. Put the past in the past," Kipps smiled as his hand squeezed mine reassuringly.

As we walked over, I couldn't help but feel stares directed at us. "Everyones looking at us." I whispered.

"They're not looking at me, y/n. They're looking at you," He smiled. "The most attractive person in the room."

"Oh," I felt my face get hot.

We finally got to Bobby and Kat and Kipps smiled at them.

"Bobby, Kat, you remember y/n, right?" Kipps asked. They turned their eyes to me and I swear Kat had a bit of jealousy towards Kipps at that moment.

"Hello everyone," I waved at them and smiled a bit.

"Wow, Y/n. I hardly recognized you," Bobby smiled at me.

"I can't believe Kipps finally asked you out. It's only taken him three months," Kat smirked at Kipps.

Kipps' face went red. "Y/n and I are going to dance now. See you lot later."

I only grinned when Kipps dragged me away to a quieter part of the party.

"Sorry about them," He was so flustered.

"It's alright. Didn't know you've been fancying me that long."

"Well you're so complex, I didn't think you'd want to go out with me."

"You could have just asked me, Quill. Chances are, I would've said yes or at least maybe."

Quill chuckled a bit. "I really don't think you know how breathtakingly attractive you are."

"I think you're just flattering me for fun," I replied.

We wound up in the masses of old people waltzing away. And just like magic, we began to dance.

I spotted Lucy some ways away in her show stopping blue talking to none other than Penelope Fittes.

"Have you ever waltzed before?" Kipps asked.

"Never. I've only ever seen dancing in old films Lockwood keeps."

"Well, you're really good at it."

We waltzed a bit until the record changed and a slow song came on.

Instinctively, we both looked at each other with widened eyes.

"Do you want to-?"

"Only if you do."

Kipps put a tentative hand on my waist and I pulled him closer. We both could feel the tension.

I tried everything in my power to not look up at his face, his pretty eyes and kissable lips.

But he didn't look at me either, he had his neck turned the other way, staring at something.

"Kipps." I finally looked at him. "Why'd you really invite me?"

We moved our bodies along to the soft sway of the song. All at once, his eyes met mine.

"The other day," He began, quietly. "I was with my team on a real easy mission. Super fast and simple, it seemed. But then, it turned out to be a nasty type two and I was a second away from being ghost touched if Kat hadn't saved me. I realized that life, especially our lives as agents, it's all too short and sudden. We're so expendable. And so I did what I've been wanting to do and I asked you out. Because even if I only live another ten days, at least I can say that I danced with you at a ball."

I smiled wider than I probably ever had before. "I really like you, Quill." He spun me around despite the music being slow and other people around. But it felt like we were the only two people in the room.

Then suddenly the lights went off. Source lights went on and the salt sprinklers began to spray down on us. 

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