My Sunshine - George Pt4

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Final Part--------

It was nearing midnight and I felt more awake now because of the cocoa. I hated my messed up sleep schedule. But I guess that was the life of an agent.

I went downstairs towards the kitchen. Lockwood was in there reading the paper and sipping on some tea.

"Have fun," He said as I opened the basement door.

I walked down and got everything set up. I turned on the machine and got out a rapier and some chains. I really needed to work on my chain swinging.

I started with the rapier first, swinging at the air blasts that surrounded me.

As the last one went off, I sensed something behind me and swung my rapier, narrowly missing George's head. I looked and saw that he also had a rapier in his hand.

"You're such a shank, George, I could have cut your eye out," I said.

"Watch where you're pointing next time," He remarked.

"You're so insufferable," I said under my breath.

"I'm insufferable? You're always so nosy and poking around everyones business."

"Do you even realize what you're saying, George? You hate me. I'm just responding to your intolerable adolescent behavior."

"I'm not a whining child though."

I scoffed. "And I am?"

"You get upset over everything."

"Yeah, well maybe because you're just so rude and it hurts a lot when you act like you're some sort of god."

"I don't have a god complex!"

"Well, you always seem like you're better than everyone and such a know-it-all."

"At least I get stuff done." We were sparring at this point. It had gotten loud from our yelling and the clashing of metal.

"I would have gotten stuff done if you hadn't taken that case from me."

"I thought you wouldn't mind that. You seemed tired so I decided to let you rest."

"Yeah, well next time, wake me up! I only work best when I'm sleep deprived and with you."

"You're really nice to look at when you're not complaining about me or how I work."

"You're also really nice to look at but you're still a pretentious jerk, George."

"You're talking a lot of trash for someone with very kissable lips y/n."

"You're one to talk Mr. Greek God."

We both shut up.

I think it was the realization that hit me and my silence kind of shut George up.

Or maybe it was the stupidity of us calling each other pretty and nice to look at.

"Can I kiss you?" George asked.

"Really? That's what you have to say? You hate me. I have no reason to want to kiss your pretty face other than it being pretty."

"Y/n, I don't hate you. I just can't stand how I feel when you're around. I feel so helpless because of you. You are truly a marvel and I couldn't resist wanting to tell you how I feel. But you're so quiet and stubborn that I just left you alone. For me, being quiet was being safe. So yeah, I really like you and I understand if you actually hate me for how I've been treating you."

I was actually speechless this time.

"You-you like me? As in love-like me?"

George rolled his eyes. "Yeah."

"I think I'll take that kiss now."

George didn't hesitate to move close to me and pull me in. Our rapiers clattered to the ground and our lips clashed so very dramatically it was like a 1950s romance film.

I thought I was dreaming for a second because never in my wildest dreams did I think I would end up having a main character moment in a dingy basement with George.

But George was also very gentle and his glasses moved a bit as our noses got in the way. 

"Good going you two," Lockwood interrupted us suddenly.

George and I separated as if the other was a burning fire.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, very much embarrassed. 

"Well, I heard your shouting clearly. You're both very loud. But also when I heard your rapiers drop, I though you stabbed each other," He shrugged. "But now I see you're both jolly good. Carry on then."

He waved awkwardly and went back up the stairs to the kitchen.

"Well then." George looked at me.

I looked back at him.


"Should we...?"


So we kissed again. This time it wasn't as angry or crazy. It was like a 1970s kiss, more calm and focused on each other in the moment.

I loved George Karim. God, I loved him so bloody much. 

We pulled away and George rested our foreheads together. 

"Next time, don't be so dramatic," He whispered.

"I'm not the drama queen. You're so busy being Señorita Princesa dramática." 

"Don't you dare call me dramatic. You literally cried last week because we ran out of carrots."

"You can't make fun of me actually. I'm an asset to the company and can easily take you down."

"Well, first, let me take you out for coffee. Deal?"


"Come on then, y/n. I think Lockwood's expecting us."

George and I walked up the basement steps, leaving our rapiers on the floor and starting over, this time as lovers instead of enemies. 

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