My Sunshine - George Pt2

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requested by @phoebekarim


I sat up suddenly, causing a book to fall off the side table.

"Be careful with that," A voice said next to me. "It's vintage."

George stood with wet hair and two cups of tea in hand. He had no pants on like usual and was in a nightshirt. He looked about two minutes away from passing out.

"Sorry. I didn't think anyone was up," I got startled before realizing why I was so jumpy to begin with. "I need you to look at this. Now."

I all but pulled George down next to me once the tea cups were sat in front of us.

"Look at this picture. What do you see?" I showed George the picture of the police consoling Enid.

George fixed his glasses and squinted at the picture. "I see Enid Venice and her son and those two police officers. That prick DEPRAC officer I tried to interview and the building in the background. Why? We've looked at this picture before."

I pointed to Enid. "Look at her. She's wearing the bird carving, the same one we found on Billy Venice's body this morning."

George turned to look at me, shocked. "You don't think-" His voice trailed off.

"Oh, that's exactly what I think." I smiled.

"Should we get Lockwood?" George asked.

We both went quiet until we heard a loud snore from above us.

"I think he's sleeping," I said, sipping my tea. I glanced down at old DEPRAC files. "But look, Enid still lives around here. Her son is an engineer at the Sunrise Corporation now."

The DEPRAC file I held in my free hand listed every movement of Enid Venice since her husband's death. Including her marriage to her grade school sweetheart only a year after Billy's death. But his name was redacted as was the rest of the file with information dated from this past year to now.

"A crime of passion you think?" George asked.

"Well, it is a crime. But I want to know why DEPRAC has all of this information about Enid. If they thought she was a suspect and kept tabs on her all these years, why did they not arrest her?"

"No body, no crime, I suppose," George yawned.

"You don't think they knew, right? I mean, whoever she married and whatever she did was recorded by authorities. Even her records of purchase and taxes. Whoever she remarried to is a mystery. But Tommy's file, it has everything. Gift manifestation, awards, careers and more."

The more George and I dug into the case and the files that Lockwood had likely stolen, the more we saw so many loopholes in the case.

We hadn't slept for at least a day at this point and when Lockwood woke up five hours later, we were on our fourth cup of tea and went through many rounds of toast and jam.

"What are you doing down here? It's two in the afternoon," Lockwood yawned. He was still in his pajamas along with pink bunny slippers.

"We found what seems to be a murder case."

"And you didn't wake me?" Lockwood looked hurt as he sat in his armchair next to us.

"I didn't think we had to call you wherever we discovered a murder cover up."

"My name is on the front door. And besides, I knew this case was fishy from the moment that lady gave us a call. Hence the stolen files from DEPRAC archives on our coffee table."

"So really, you're hiding information from us," I yawned. I couldn't stay awake no matter how much caffeinated tea I drank.

Lockwood looked at George and I. "You two need some sleep. We'll talk about this over some of my homemade soup, yeah?"

I didn't argue, just nodded and took my empty mug down to the kitchen.

When I was walking back up the stairs, I overheard George and Lockwood talking.

"Come on George. Y/n, isn't a problem. You've spent five hours here with no sleep just to call her a problem?" Lockwood asked him.

"You don't understand, Lockwood. I can't stand to be around her. I'm so close to yelling out to her and her presence annoys me."

I didn't want to hear anymore so I crept silently up the stairs and into my room. I closed my curtains and all but collapsed into my bed, covering myself with blankets.

I fell asleep faster than ever before.

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