Chapter 27

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Trigger Warning:

Suicide Mention


Scarlett POV

eight years have past since father has started training me and my brother. I'm currently in 10th grade, even though I comprehend everything from this year an next year, yet I can't skip grades any further due to mother saying three grades is the limit for skipping. I tried to plead with father yet he doesn't say nothing to mother. My idiot twin said he want's to take it slow since he has all the time and the world since were immortal. I disagree immortality means omnipotent, with out the ability to die or be killed from/by anything.

Anyway after my twin, I have  nine younger siblings, four are seven years old, three are  four years old, the  twin are two years old. currently my mother is pregnant again with twins again. She said this is the last time, ... yet for some reason I doubt that. Father always speaks about having a large family. At home their's only 5 female, me and mom include, while the other 3 are three come from my the quadruplets.

Today at school is more exhausting than usual, because today is a half of school day due the tournament that happens every 14 years.  This is a chance for orphans  or children from classless families to gain a bloodline ability an get their own territory for their family & riches. While people from clans enter to show their superiority, riches, an if they're in the top seven they are able to win the chance to make their bloodline ability reach new heights. Only those ages 14-20 can participate from now on. I overheard father discussing with Uncle Daisuke, about changing the formatting of the games this year. Because I heard last year there were two ties, due to my cousin unexpectedly attending. Since the population of the valley has risen within the past fourteen years, I heard signing up had to be pause  a couple times to for the admin to catch up due to more than a five hundred people signing up.

The tournament is supposed to last for three day's , this time. The only reason, I hate this tournament is because of the hormonal teenagers around me."Hey Scarlett, I was wondering if you want to go to the tournament with me?"    'speak of the devil, an he shall appear' This is Kenzo, the class president, an so call hottest guy in my grade.  "NO" I don't even know why they bother, do I look welcoming to them.

After  fifth period I started walking to pick up my brother from his class so we can meet mom at the tournament with our siblings.  "Hey sis, Did you hear that the 10th grades class president decided to join the the tournament, all just to win your heart."           'Oh how ignorance is bliss'

"Brother do you think my heart is that easy to win" I say with a stoic expression

"Umm well no... but won't it be fun to watch."


As we walk closer to the colosseum, I seen my  my three younger sisters (Denise, Jadyn, Cecilia); six sons (Javen, Hideo, Khalil, Junpei, Noah, Takuma)". (Names  are in order by oldest to youngest). The unborn twins names have already been decided: Asuka(girl), Zayne (boy). I started carrying Takuma, while Gabriel started carrying Noah. "So.. how was school today?" mother asks

"Great, except  Amnid vomiting in spar today, and I defeated three anbu and a teacher in two moves."

"Mother you know how I feel about school as quoted by Quoth the raven in the book nevermore by Edgar Allan Poe. "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary..." I wonder why am I trapped in hell filled with horny adolescent teens."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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