I Wanna Be Yours •Quiet Guy Trope•

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I wanna be yours- Antarctic monkeys

but you work at a flower shop and you so happen to find the quiet lazy guy from your class little sister alone on the street at work.

I flipped over the close sign to now show the public in bold letters, 'Open!' I checked my watch a second time, and although we open the shop at 9, we don't usually have a customer until 10 which is shopping hour. But today is different since it's no other than 14 days away from a special holiday where everyone buys flowers for each other.

"Valentine's Day," I grunted, hating the fact we open so early in the morning. I literally just finished my midterm exams and now I still have to wake up this early in the morning? The drive to get here is about 20 minutes and don't get me wrong I enjoy driving around but this early in the morning. Hell, the only reason I'm still here is because of the sweet old lady that owns the place and the fact I have a fixation on types of plants and flowers.

"Y/n, hurry, hurry," the sweet old lady, Janet Miller, called out to me. She was probably in her early 70s but she always told me that age shouldn't be the thing that holds you back on what you want to do the most in life. It's cute and all but really?

"Yes, Ms.Miller?" I chimed.

"It's the last day of January and you know how we get so many requests and customs from our patrons." She reminded me. Her excitement causes me to have a slight smile.

"Yes, Ms.Miller I know all about it." It wasn't long until we started getting busier every minute that went by. Soon one of my work friends checked in and started his shift. So after our simple greeting, I went to help the outside customers while he was helping those inside.

"Yes usually baby's breath is used for extra detail in bouquets but the meaning behind them is 'everlasting love.' So we do highly recommend them for a bouquet." I was explaining to a customer until something caught my eye. "Excuse me for a sec." I walked over to a little girl who all by herself, she looked about 6. "Hey, what are you doing here by yourself?"

"Um, I just wanted to see the flowers too." She looked ashamed and yet eager that I noticed her. By now I was crouching down to match her height.

"Where're your parents?" I questioned, 'I want to talk with them', I got irritated by just imagining their excuse.

"I'm here with my brother." "Bother?"

"Elena!" I hear yelling down the street. My face didn't flatten until I saw who it was coming towards us, h/n. God just saying his name makes me annoyed. He's the type of guy who does absolutely nothing in class and yet still does well in everything. Yes, some people are naturally smart but he's not. He is just a really good guesser and it pisses me off.

"Elena there you are. I thought I told you not to keep running off on your own." H/n scolded his little sister but more in a friendly tone. "Thank you for finding her- oh it's you. Never mind"

"Wow, you really do suck. As a brother and a person," I insulted

"Listen here-"

"H/n I don't want you here" his little sister spoke up

"Huh? Elena..." He didn't say anything after that, more like he didn't know what to say, so he picked her up.

"She seems so fond of her older brother." I teased causing him to glare at me. "If I knew better I would say that she wants me more than you."

"As if anyone wants you." He stated which I shrugged too. Elena opened her arm towards me so I quickly grabbed her from him and walked into the busy shop. "Hey y/n!" I brought her over to the flowers. "Y/n you can't just take her."

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