Chapter 37

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Mason's POV

We sit in silence, while I take all the food out of the bag.

I give them their portion, Carter's being a lot bigger than Timmy's.

I think all the food that I gave Carter could easily be enough to feed all the younger kids, along with Timmy and Oliver.

I wouldn't be able to eat even half of it, while Tyler and Denver might have a chance of finishing Carter's portion together.

They thank me for making it, and we eat quietly, taking our time since when we will go inside, the kids will make a lot of noise, so there won't be any time for relaxing.

And by saying that the kids will make a lot of noise, I don't mean the younger kids, they are pretty quiet, and well behaved.

Mostly because Wyatt is mute, so he doesn't make any sound, except for when he's in pain.

Scott isn't the quietest of the kids, but he definitely isn't loud, at least not often.

Elliot doesn't like to talk much since he can't hear himself at all, which makes him uncomfortable.

And Reggie barely talks, or even hangs out with us.

So, that leaves the three people that can't shut their mouths for more than a second.

Denver, Oliver, and Tyler.

No one else can even compare to how loud those three guys are, they mostly argue about anything they can, or just make a lot of noise for fun.

Sometimes I wonder if they are still two years old, but then I look at them and I see that they all are clearly young teenagers, so that make me think that they are just stupid after all.

"How's the baby?" I ask Timmy, and he groans right after he hears the question, making me laugh loudly.

"He's fine, but he could stop kicking me every few seconds, I really don't like the fact that I have to use bathroom every five minutes, when I try to sleep." He complains.

"He will be out very soon." Carter tells him, before he reaches his hand to rub Timmy's stomach, making the baby kick his hand hardly.

Timmy groans again, and Carter smiles since this baby used to be very shy, and didn't kick when anyone other than Timmy put a hand on his stomach.

That changed very recently, which Timmy isn't happy about, since Carter started to put his hand on his stomach, just so he can feel the kick, which Timmy doesn't enjoy in the slightest.

"You really have to stop doing that." Timmy says, and he pushes Carter's hand away from him.

"Sorry, but I won't be able to do that for much longer." Carter says, and he puts his hand there again, receiving another kick right away, along with a groan from Timmy.

I laugh at them, and what makes me laugh even more, is the fact that after Timmy isn't able to remove Carter's hand from his stomach, Timmy slaps Carter in the face.

Carter looks at him for a few seconds, not believing that his mate would do something like that to him, before he turns his head to look at me with the same expression, looking like he is about to cry.

And that's all it takes to make me laugh hard enough to nearly suffocate, and they both join me not long later.

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