Chapter 41

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Mason's POV

The next morning, we wake up to the baby Hugh crying his lungs out.

I go downstairs to make him his bottle of milk, while Carter changes him.

We meet downstairs, and we decide to sit on the couch to feed the crying baby, Carter hands him to me, and I smile at the little boy that rests in my arms.

Carter had made sure that the rest of his kids will be taken care of, for the few days, since Timmy wasn't feeling very well after giving birth, and we wanted him to have some peace.

But today the kids are meant to come back, and from all the noise that is coming towards the house, I assume that they will be here very soon, to meet their youngest brother.

Denver is still in the cellars, but Carter agreed to question the guards about the situation.

But he doesn't see why he should do it soon, he said that Denver deserves to spend a few days in the cellars anyway, and I'm not very happy with that.

"Denver is coming here too." He tells me, as if he knew that I was thinking about Denver.

I nod happily, and only a few moment later, the front door opens, and everyone comes to the living room.

Reggie reaches us first, stopping right in front of me.

Carter helps him climb into my lap, so he can see the baby better, and when he can reach the little kid, he pets Hugh's head gently, with a bright smile on his face.

"Hi Hugh." He says, and I frown at him.

"How do you know his name?" I ask him curiously.

"I heard papa talk to dad's stomach, when dad was sleeping on the couch, few days ago, and he called it Hugh." He explains, making me nod slightly.

"Do you want to hold him?" I ask the rest of the guys.

They all fight about who is going to hold Hugh first, before Carter decides that we will go from the youngest to oldest.

The older kids aren't very happy about that, and Denver let his displeassure be knows by groaning loudly.

"Hey, you will have many years to hold him, he isn't going anywhere." I tell him, and he just rolls his eyes at me dramatically.

They pass Hugh to each other, saying their greetings, and soon a tired Timmy walks downstairs, probably wanting to see what all of this noise was about.

"I wonder how that kid is still asleep." Timmy says, making us laugh slightly.

"I didn't know you were giving birth." Oliver says, looking at Timmy for explanation.

"I didn't want to be forced to go to the mating room, so I just told them few minutes before I pushed the kid out." He explains.

"You are lucky that this kid is Mason's, if he was mine, then we could have another Denver in the future." Carter says.

We already know that Hugh is biologically mine, since he looks almost identical to me, with my hair colour and my eyes.

I did expect that he will look like me, since most kids that are produced by two males looks like the more dominant parent.

As long as they're not an Omega, like Oliver, then they look like the less dominant parent, or at least the parent that carried them, if neither of the parents is an Omega.

So, now I have a cute, little copy of me, and I hope that I will have a cute little copy of Timmy the next time.

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