Chapter 39- Naïve

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"A lot of what happened isn't my place to say. Some things may be better left in the past where they belong." Daddy explains sadly.

"But daddy, I-"

"Breeze, this isn't up for negotiation. I'm sorry." He says sternly as he lets go "When she's ready, she'll tell you the truth."

"Fine," I huff as we continue walking "But I can't be left in the dark forever."

I feel sick to my stomach as I stare into the void. My entire life feels like a lie, the dots connecting in a pattern that I never could have predicted. I want to cry, I want to scream at the top of my lungs, I want to shut it all off and hide away from it all somewhere safe. Right now, I know that that is an impossibility.

"Now do you understand?" I ask sternly as I turn back to look at Kai "Nothing about any of this is right. I'm not saying that what she did to you was right, but do you understand why she was so scared after what he did to her?" I ask as the tears begin to stream down my face. Kai seems completely at a loss for words as he watches me begin to break down "Say something!" I scream.

"Breeze, I..." he begins, his voice quivering as he begins to step closer, but I back away "I was told about what he did, but seeing that...I can't even..." he sighs as he stares down at his feet.

"No person should ever have to experience that kind of pain, and the fact that he put her through that intentionally is beyond disgusting." I explain, my voice becoming angrier "How can you view him as anything other than a monster?" I ask.

"Because he's my father." Kai states "And I never got to know him, so what am I supposed to think when all I have to go on is what I've been told?" he asks defensively.

"Let me guess, it's all based on what those ancient freaks have told you?" I ask, my voice steadying "If it's not obvious already, their views are skewed as hell."

"Don't talk about them like that," Kai states bluntly.

"Why are you defending them? They kill people just to come back whenever they want. It's all kinds of wrong." I explain, trying to figure out what he's thinking.

"They're the only family I've ever had." he sighs as he kneels down, staring at his reflection "I was a lost innocent kid in spirit and they took me in when I didn't have anywhere to go. Tatia and her husband Atlas raised me like their own and helped me understand this confusing world," he explains, his voice turning coarse. I can't help but stare at him in disbelief. When I was in spirit for so long, I was alone, just thoughts with nowhere to go.

"That doesn't change what they've done." I state in frustration "Hell, in this lifetime alone, they stole the bodies of five people just to come back, not to mention that they murdered three people and just left them out in the woods. What the hell were they even trying to do?" I ask, confused.

"They..." Kai starts, but seems to hesitate "They were performing a ceremony to bring me back." he sighs.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, even more confused.

"I wasn't like them, so I couldn't do what they did to resurrect themselves. Instead, they needed to draw a decent amount of power to get my original body back," he explains, suddenly looking guilty. I can't help but freeze, utterly mortified as I stare at his form. This is why he looks the same in here as he does out there.

"...They killed three people just to bring you back?" I ask, having trouble breathing "Why would they even do that for you? They don't seem to care about anyone but themselves."

"I told you," he states aggressively "They're my family. They would do anything for each other, me included."

"Malakai, these people are-"

"Shut up!" he suddenly screams angrily "I don't want to hear it! You had a mother, you were loved. I was too despite them not being my birth parents," he explains, and suddenly the Gate becomes filled with dark clouds.

"Please, I'm just trying to-"

"Get out!" he shouts, and suddenly we're both back in the compound. Cleo quickly rushes over to help Kai as he breathes heavily, trying to refocus.

"What the hell did she do?" Cleo asks, the fire in her eyes burning brightly as she glares at me.

"It doesn't matter," Kai states, and suddenly Tex and Marissa come back in.

"Is everything okay?" Marissa asks worriedly.

"I don't know." Cleo states worriedly "Kai, talk to us." she asks calmly.

"No, just get her out of here." Kai states as he turns away from me.

"Kai, please," I try to say, but suddenly Tex grabs me, pinning my arms behind my back in an awkward position "I just want to help you!" I shout as I'm dragged down the hall. Kai can't even look at me now, he seems too distraught to even think straight. I try to fight off Tex, but he's too strong for me. When we make it back into the dungeons, I'm thrown full force at the wall, causing the air to be knocked out of my lungs. As I roll over, I choke, gasping for air as I clutch the loose dirt on the stone ground. Without saying a word, Tex slams the door and leaves me here. I cough and wheeze as I roll onto my back, covering my eyes as the tears slide down my cheeks.

"Damnit," I mutter as I pull my hands away. I don't even know how to process anything, it's all too much at once.

"Tessa?" I hear Artemis ask. Slowly, I sit up and slide back against the wall, resting my back on the cold stone "Are you okay? What did they do to you?" she asks worriedly.

"I don't want to talk about it." I sigh as I stare at the moss-covered wall, then suddenly, I look around and realize something that makes my heart drop. "Where's Pearl?" I ask in terror as I look at the two empty cells adjacent to us.

"Winona and Marissa came and took them an hour ago," Artemis states solemnly.

"No..." I mutter under my breath as I curl into myself "No, this can't be happening." I say in disbelief, completely mortified.

"Tessa, I'm so sorry." she sighs sympathetically "I don't know what they're planning to do, but assuming the worst isn't going to help us all get out of here."

"It's impossible." I state bluntly "I can already tell that we're outmatched by these freaks. There's no way we would be able to make it."

"That's not true," she states, trying to sound hopeful. "There has to be."

"I'm not naïve." I say as I rest my forehead on my knees "I'm not naïve anymore."

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