Chapter 76- The Wild Card

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It takes hours, but we do as much as we can to make some sort of plan. Waiting for another attack or kidnapping attempt wasn't an option, we needed to get them to show themselves sooner rather than later. It feels like getting them to come for Ember is what we need to use as bait, but if that were truly the case, what are they waiting for?

    "What about Lucius?" I ask, concerned by the lack of discussion surrounding him.

    "He's been careful not to take too many victims since you escaped, but his bloodlust is consuming him. The fact that a few have slipped through and been found shows how sloppy he's getting. That... makes him more dangerous than ever." Marissa explains worriedly.

    "I want to be on the team that goes after him," my father states boldly "After everything he's put my family through, I need to help finally take him down."

    "You're damn right," Roxie begins "But don't let the revenge consume you, Dante. We all know what it leads to."

    "I think it's more than justified." Nixi adds, casually leaning in the corner, flicking dirt from her fingernails "If it's anyone's kill, it's his."

    "Thank you,"  my father says graciously, nodding in her direction.

    "Excuse me?" I speak up, and everyone suddenly turns to me "Did he cut you open and suck the blood out of your skin for days? I think not. I know what he did to influence Embrose, and trust me, I know now how all that shit turned out, but I got to literally feel firsthand what he's capable of." I explain irritatedly, and suddenly feel fired up "This kill is mine."

    "Well that's out of character for you," Roxie states, "But, might I suggest something a little smarter? Work together. You both have scores to settle." she explains. My father and I quickly exchange glances and nod in agreement, and that's that.

    "Where has he been?" my mother asks nervously.

    "He was house hopping near the south edge of town, influencing people to allow him to feed from him," Marissa explains.

    "At least that's a start," Nixi begins, approaching the table "If we start by finding Lucius, I'm sure the others will follow not long after. The bigger the team, the easier it should be to overpower him."

    "Who are you thinking?" Roxie asks curiously.

    "Arsen, Tessa, and I head the party. Roxie, as much as I want you to join, we need more protection back here in the meantime just in case." Nixi explains.

    "No offense taken." Roxie shrugs, glancing at my mom "And what about you, you seem to be a wild card here considering your condition."

    "I'll stay here, I hate not being able to do much, but it feels too risky out there until we eliminate some of the others." she sighs.

    "Marissa, you need to stay too." Aurora states "As far as they know, you're a prisoner here. We need to keep it that way."

    "Understood." Marissa nods, "I just want this all to be over."

    "Soon," Nadia sighs, looking across all of our faces "I had known about the ones who came before us when Col and I first took over the kingdom. But, we were young, and all we had known was that our people feared and overthrew them. It's crazy to think that after all these years, those same people are trying to hurt my family."

    "You were Aitana, right?" Marissa asks curiously "How old were you when we were taken out of power?"

    "Fifteen." Nadia begins "Col and I married and became leaders of the new age maybe four years later. Since Col's father had been such a respected man before his passing, it somehow fell on us." she explains.

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