Chapter 92- A Sacrifice to His Goddess

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As we walk onto the temple's roof, the wind brings a chill to my skin, and I see two men sitting on the edge talking. One has long blonde braided hair and a snake tattoo, and the other has short dark hair and a skinny stature.

"You and Gael?" I ask curiously as we get closer.

"In this lifetime, his name was Nico," he explains "We were close friends at this point, practically brothers," he says warmly, and it feels eerie as I see the man who cursed me and abused my mother sitting so casually in a place I call my home.

"Why'd you want to meet up here?" Nico asks curiously.

"Gaia thinks you're hiding something," Lucius chuckles "And as always, she doesn't want to come out and say it, so here we are. I figured that we could talk in private away from any curious ears."

"For fuck's sake," Nico exhales exhaustedly "I've been working my ass off converting people, does she really think I have time for secrets?"

"I don't know, she seemed awfully convinced." Lucius jokes "This doesn't have anything to do with the Empress, does it?"

"Hexa?" he says defensively "Why would you say that?" he asks, and Lucius starts to smirk.

"I've seen the way you've been looking at her, now let me give you a friendly piece of advice, man to man," Lucius says kindly, taking Nico's shoulder, suddenly digging his nails into him so deep he starts to bleed "Leave her be, she's not worth the hassle."

"I don't think that's any of your concern, Luci," Nico states, pulling his hand away.

"It is when it could jeopardize this entire plan. We've worked too hard to get to this point without them catching on to you for you to throw it all away over Alric's wife." he explains irritatedly "Where did this even come from?"

"I'm not sure, she's just... perfect. She's a fighter, she's brilliant, she's beautiful, and I just... I want to know what it's like to be with her." he explains, standing up.

"Whatever you're thinking, it's not worth it." Lucius sighs, leaning back "Love is torture, take it from me."

"I disagree," Nico says thoughtfully "I think it's what drives us to become our true selves in whatever form that is. If I'm going to be a leader, I need to know what I'm fighting for, and I think I found my answer." he smiles twistedly.

"Gael," Lucius says worriedly "She's already married, what makes you think she'll love you back?"

"She doesn't have to," Nico says calmly, looking out at the city "But she's meant to stand with me if we're going to be running things," he explains, looking hopefully at Lucius.

"You want to use the blood hex to control her like the others, don't you?" Lucius asks curiously.

"What difference does it make?" he asks, and I can hear his determination begin to build "Ember does it on her lovers."

"Yes, but after a week or so she's done with them, this seems... different," Lucius explains skeptically "I won't stand in your way, but be careful, certain lines can't be uncrossed." Hearing that, I can't help but laugh.

"Nice to see that your questionable morality has never changed," I say sarcastically "At least didn't agree with his plan, but that's still disgusting."

"You can praise me for not being on board with that, but I was knee-deep in so many more sins over time, we are nowhere near done." he sighs "I'm sure you've learned about my past friendship with Embrose," he explains as the memory begins to fade. At the thought of his name, I remember how my mother explained how Camila had been abused, and how she eventually killed herself to escape him.

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