chapter 05

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achilles' heel, five.

achilles' heel, five

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confession 05;

hi! um, this is my first time using the confession page so... yeah. is anyone willing to invite an extra member to your vacation plans? i don't want to be left out this summer too :(

— to any high schooler interested in making a new friend.

"If any of you goes anywhere but the zoo I will demolish the entire friend group

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"If any of you goes anywhere but the zoo I will demolish the entire friend group."

Cyno and Y/N eyed Tighnari awkwardly, unsure of how to convince him to just go to the beach instead. The blistering summer heat would kill them if they wandered about in a zoo for hours.

Y/N's grasp around her lunch tightened a little. "Uh... let's ask Collei and Amber."

"...Is this a 'majority wins' kind of situation? You're a sick individual." Tighnari shook his head and munched on his sandwich.


On cue, their green-haired friend settled herself on their table. She was sipping at the straw of her juice carton, blissfully unaware of the tension in the atmosphere.

Tighnari smiled. "Hey. Amber didn't come today?"

"She has gone to Mondstadt."

"Already?" Cyno asked, perplexed.

"She was too excited to wait for the break to start!" Collei elaborated with enthusiasm, "And that brings us to our vacation plans. What have you guys decided?"


The subtle interruption caught Y/N's attention, as she had grown to recognise that voice anywhere. After all, it belonged to her seatmate— someone she had to face every single day.


The blond quietly sat next to her, tucking a strand behind his ear.

"...Is it okay if I join?"

Before Y/N could manage to form a response, Collei piped in, her expression brightening up in an instant.

"Of course! Any friend of Y/N's is a friend of ours!"

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