chapter 12

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achilles' heel, twelve.

achilles' heel, twelve

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confession 12;

the chemistry has like 10% development as of now, right?

— to the psych students

reply by narinari: i would say 15

reply by nilouuu: agreed

• reply by nilouuu: agreed

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"I refuse. Don't even bother arguing."

Y/N had made the terrible mistake of showing some of the slides to Kaveh, and that had somehow led to him morphing into a nagging mother, constantly highlighting the flaws that didn't even exist. Lame designs, messy font, no colour coordination, and a few other terms were thrown around during his heated lecture.

"The two of us are supposed to work on the project!"

She rolled her eyes at the dramatics. She wasn't a big fan of causing raucous during peaceful vacations, but it seemed like Kaveh had a knack for it, because he was ever ready with an outburst that managed to make her look like the catalyst. Good for her; the argument was on call with no prying gazes to entertain themselves like they usually did in class.

"As I said, I'm already done with it. I strive for perfection, and you strive for creativity." She tried to reason with him in an uncharacteristically soft tone, "We cannot have both."

"We cannot have both because you choose to do everything by yourself!"

"Do you want an A or not?"

"What's the point of it when you're going to be taking all the credit?"

"Listen here," And there went her facade of sweetness, "I fucking hate your guts, but I'm not petty enough to steal your credit. We already established that the first ten slides were my job. You can make them from scratch if you're so passionate!"

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