Chapter 3-Tweet

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Next day, busy in arranging horses, Max was hastening here and there. In the meantime, Chloe was packing requisites for their trip, while Ethan was glaring at the map.

'what are you doing? From past thirty minutes you are just looking at that map, will you finish it in an eternity?', asked Chloe.

'this map is not normal, it's glowing!' Ethan said while his head was digged in the map.

Chloe glanced over, the letters of "eastern mountains" were glowing.

'of course they'll glow, although it is map to a magical city. But...why only these letters are glowing?'

Max peeked up from the chart, 'maybe our next destination is eastern mountains.'

'have you arranged horses?', Chloe zipped her bag.

'horses are full, I've booked mules'


An hour later...after taking their mules from the stable, they headed towards east.

They reached eastern mountains in half an hour, it was a huge area along valleys and hills. The whole eastern mountain was covered with a bold white carpet of snow, which shined in the bright sunlight. three of them jumped down from their mules.

Ethan opened the map and said in a surprise, 'glowing words turned normal!'

The words turned grey, while before they were glowing golden in color. There was written to the right side of map 'find the melting point'

Three of them peeked in the map. 'Melting point?' Max asked as he finished reading those lines.

'I know, I know!' Chloe said in a hurry, she continued ' means the place where ice melts?... it can be the peak.'

Ethan said widening his eyes, 'upside? But no one ever goes there. It is very difficult to climb up there. How did grandpa managed to climb over it despite his weak knees?'.

Max and Chloe shrugged their shoulders.

'What are these harnesses for?' , Chloe removed her bag and took out three harness sets.

Three of them settled the anchor of harness on the peak and started climbing. In fifteen minutes they reached up the peak, leaving the vapours downside, clear blue sky...shining in sunlight...

'Take out the map', Chloe ordered as she climbed up. Max took out the map from the pocket of his leather jacket. There was no change in the map. Still the same words were written.

'isn't this the melting point?' Chloe kept the map back in her sidebag.

'Maybe we're closer', Max kneeled down, putting his ears on a large rock slab. He said furthermore, 'I can hear sound of flowing water.' Chloe and Ethan reached behind Max

'My guts are saying that the melting point is down here', Max said.

'Are your guts trustworthy?', joked Ethan.

'I, think something's here', Chloe said examining the big grey ugly stone-a circular button in a little gap between the rocks. Max pushed the button with light hands. It glowed and soon, the stone divided in two. Three of their mouths were opened as big as an egg can fit in.

'this is amazing', Ethan said as his eyes were circled. Three of them peeked in the narrow tunnel formed by the dividing of rocks. ''should we go in?', Max asked Chloe... knowing, she was the cleverest one among three of them.

'lets have a look in the map', Chloe said as she was taking out the brownish map from her side bag. The words of eastern mountain were turned grey as they reached there but the words of melting point were still shining.

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