Chapter 7-Wind

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While roaming around, Chloe interrogated towards Grace, 'is there any creature in excess of this Forest, who is connected to air or sky?'.

Grace stopped on foot and twisted back to answer her, 'yes, there is.... nevertheless, why are asking about that?'

'Krixi loves nature, consequently...she was given the earth pearl to protect it, applying the same judgment, the pearl of wind element can be found with an animal which is linked to sky or air'

Grace jumped off, 'You're right, this can be possible....Why didn't I think about that before!'

'About what?', bewildered regarding their conversation, Max interrogated.

'sylphs', Grace continued, 'sylphs or sylphids, are elemental spirits of air...who are stemming from the 16th century.'.

'you mean ghost?', Ethan cuts off, widening his eyes.

', you got me wrong way, sylphs are humanoids of air...they're mortal and can die from hunger, illness or injuries.', Grace explained

As she was about to continue, Ethan yet again stuck between, 'however, where will we find them?'

annoyed of him, Chloe scolded, 'do you pursue a habit of cutting everyone off while they are speaking?'

'its more like a hobby', Ethan said scornfully, earning an eye-roll from his sister.  

'what else do you know about sylphs?', Max asked Grace.

'sylphs do live in sky and fly freely through the clouds. They comprise an ability to purify wind and control weather as well as change into countless different shapes. However, They're said to be too pure to be seen by human eyes.' Grace uncovered almost all of the information she had.

'then, how will we catch it if its invisible?', Chloe asked.

'its not in the vein of being invisible, they just whooshes with full speed and hence, are mostly invisible' Grace answered.

'still the question relics, how will we even find it?', Ethan renowned his question.

'sylphids can only travel through air, as they are trapped in earth, drown in water and burnt in fire.' Grace assured the way out.

'we can use the earth pearl to entrap it.', Max suggested.

'however first and foremost, we need to stumble on that sylph.' Chloe snapped three of them back to the reality.

'sylphids are most commonly found above up in the clouds. They will barely approach down here, only when they're fascinated or attracted in the midst of something.' Grace informed.

'what are air spirits attracted of?' 

'hey Mr. science, any ideas?', Chloe decided to ask Ethan.

'if we take this upon science then, air has mass, and earth's gravity attracts everything that has mass. So it will attract air as well.'

'In that case, why doesn't earth's normal gravity attract the sylph?', Max asked.

'maybe because the powers of sylph are more powerful than earth's gravity.', Grace assumed.

'can the earth pearl emit gravitational force as well?' Chloe asked Grace, pointing towards the box of pearls.    

'it can't emit but, it can increase the gravitational force  of a particular area.' Grace continued her most frequent job—answering their questions.

'in that case, we can make a cage or something from wood and capture the sylph  by increasing gravity of the area where box will be placed.'

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