Chapter 1-Is Magic Real?

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21st january, 1726

Max was sitting with Ethan in his room when Chloe barged in and swung opened the door with a paper in her hands— a dress design made by her.

'What do you think about this one?' her hazel brown eyes shone with curiousness as she showed it to both of them.

Ethan took a glance over it and continued sipping his corn soup.

Max took a closer look, 'it's nice, what's the concept?'

'I read a fairy-tale about magical forests last night, so its main insight is unicorns!', Chloe exclaimed taking the design back from Max's hands, 'I will start sewing it tomorrow'

Listening to the word "magic", soup refused to go down Ethan's throat; he kept the bowl on side table and said, 'not again! There is nothing like magic...and unicorns either, I've told you hundred times Chloe.'

'Have you ever went to check if they are real or not?' Chloe went towards the table. Lifting up the soup bowl, she drank a spoonful from it.

Ethan immediately snatched it back, 'well, my dear sister, I don't think so, because it's just an imagination of your subconscious mind. Nothing is ever true or right rather than science.'

'Magic is real, and there is a power beyond science'.

Ethan shook his head in refuse, gulping the last spoon.

Chloe continued, 'what if I prove to you someday? A bet of 10 coins?...'

'Sure', Ethan placed the bowl down and whispered, ' your dreams'.

As their symposium was going on john entered the room coughing slightly. Chloe moved closer and asked him, 'what do you think grandpa, are unicorns real? Is magic real?'

John lifted Ethan's empty bowl up, and said, 'it is up to your belief...if you believe in magic, then it's real, and if you don't, then it is not real.'

'Do you believe in magic?'

'I do believe...' john was about to continue, but Ethan cut him off complaining, 'you'll always take her're greedy!'...

john chuckled, 'you're getting jealous? Oh! The curry is burning!'... He left sniffing the room.

All of a sudden, a resonance of falling utensils ringed through the house, three of them rushed towards the kitchen, only to see john lying lifelessly on the floor. Chloe called Mrs Morris living next door. While Max and Ethan conceded him to the room.

Mrs Morris checked him up, 'looks like his body is getting weak gradually, I don't know the reason but, He fainted yesterday too.' saying this she went back to her home. 





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