Welcome to Fangs

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In this world, vampires and humans lived side by side, but there were certain parts of the city that humans knew to avoid at night.

The nightclub was one of those places. Humans had heard stories about what went on inside.. about the vampires that danced and smoked and drank until the sun came up.

They knew that it wasn't a place for them, and they didn't want to get hurt.

The thing was, vampires in this world could blend in with humans quite easily.

They could pass for human, talk like human, and act like human, so much so that sometimes humans couldn't even tell if they were talking to a vampire.

It made things complicated, to say the least. But for the most part, humans and vampires managed to coexist peacefully, as long as they stayed out of each other's way.

But the nightclub was different. It was a place where the two worlds collided, where humans and vampires danced together, drank together, and sometimes even hooked up together.

It was a place where the lines between the two worlds became blurred, and where anything could happen.

And for that reason, humans knew to stay away. They didn't want to get caught up in something that they couldn't handle.

Inside this nightclub, the air is thick with the scent of blood, and the walls are adorned with dark, gothic art.

The music is loud, the drinks are strong, and the atmosphere is electric.

It's a place where anything can happen, and where the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur.

It was a Friday night, as the night went on, the club grew more crowded, and the dance floor became a sea of bodies moving in unison.

Andy was there with his group of friends, all of them dressed in black and looked quite mysterious. Despite his youthful appearance, there was something about Andy that made him seem older, wiser, and more experienced than the others.

He moved with a confidence that drew people to him, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to see right through them.

As he danced, he smoked his cigarette. Exhaling the smoke in long, slow stream that seemed to hang in the air around him.

Some people found it off-putting, but to others, it only added to his allure.

He was like a character out of a gothic novel, a dark and brooding figure that people couldn't help but be drawn to.

As the night wore on, Andy and his friends continued to dance and drink. They were like a pack of wolves, moving together in perfect harmony.

"I'm going to piss." Andy yelled to his friend over the music. He walked through the pool of people to find the restroom.

Down the hall, he passed by people making out, snorting cocaine, he walked into the restroom and stared at himself in the mirror. The music was bumping through the walls.

The thing about Andy, he's always had a rough life, but nightclubs always filled the void for him. He loved it here. It was where he felt most alive.

Andy hated being a vampire. He hated how the world viewed vampires, and he always had a negative mindset towards humans.

He thought that they were weak and pathetic, and he didn't understand why they couldn't see that vampires were superior.

But when he was in the nightclub, he forgot about all of that. He forgot about the world outside, about the humans that he despised so much.

As he stared at himself in the mirror, Andy couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over him. He knew that he could never truly be happy, not as long as he was a vampire.

He would always be an outsider, always be viewed as something less than human.

But in the nightclub, he could forget about all of that. He could just be himself, without any judgment or condemnation.

And for that reason, he loved it here.

Andy stands in front of the bathroom mirror, examining his reflection, when a drunk man stumbles in and joins him at the sink.

The man begins to wash his hands, while Andy continues to gaze at his own reflection.

Out of nowhere, the drunk stranger offers Andy some pills, pulling them out a small bag of them from his pocket.

Andy looks down at the pills, contemplating.

He sighs, pulling out cash from his wallet, and hands it over to the stranger in exchange for the pills.

"I'm here for a good time, not a long time," Andy chuckles to himself, feeling invincible in his vampire state.

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