No vampire can ever touch you

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As they chatted, Cara found out that Andy had been a vampire for over three decades and had lived in Chicago, LA, Paris, and now New York.

She was infatuated with him and intrigued by his life before hers even began.

Despite knowing his bad history with humans, Cara was drawn to Andy, and he liked that.

They walked out of the cafe together and continued walking side by side.

Cara asked Andy many questions about his immortal life, and he answered each one thoroughly.

Andy liked how she was interested in his life, not like the rest of the humans that knew about vampires.

Suddenly, one of Andy's friends pulled up in his car, and they stopped.

Andy groaned, telling his friend to leave.

Cara was silent as Andy's friend yelled from the car, "You're playing with a human and didn't want to tell me?"

Andy grabbed Cara's hand and walked off, ignoring his friend's comment. As they kept walking, they heard Andy's friend say from the distance,

"Please tell me what her blood tastes like."

Cara looked up at Andy to see his reaction.

"Ignore that," he said, pressing his cigarette to his lips. "He's my longtime friend Josh. We've been mates for a very long time."

Cara nervously laughed and said, "He seems nice..."

Andy handed her his cigarette. He told her that his friends assumed he had tasted her blood when they left Fangs together.

Cara joked and asked if he usually did that to his conquests. It was a silent response, and in that moment Cara knew it was what he would've done.

She asked him why he didn't do that to her, and he stopped her and lifted her chin up to face him.

He got very close to her, and she could feel his eyes looking at her lips.

"I wanted to lick every inch of blood off of you, Cara," he whispered.

Her heart sank.

"But I didn't, because I realized that night... that I wanted you all to myself," he added.

Their faces were so close that Cara closed her eyes, expecting him to kiss her, but he let go of his embrace and walked ahead of her.

"I don't want any vampires to make their mark on you, I'd get very upset." Andy said as he walked off.

Cara started breathing heavily, locked in his trance. She felt herself blushing. She felt like he was protecting her.

Cara ran to catch up with Andy and said his name faintly. He stopped and looked at her.

"I need to take you to my apartment. I have something you need to see," she said in a desperate tone.

Andy raised an eyebrow and said, "Yeah? Alright."

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