Why not

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She slowly walks in, her heels clanking on the hardwood floor. As she steps inside, she takes in the unique decor of Andy's apartment.

It has a dark ambiance, with chic furniture and subtle lighting that creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Andy walks past her and heads to his kitchen, where he pulls out a bottle of whiskey from his cabinet.

Cara stands there, taking in the sights and sounds of the apartment.

"Make yourself comfortable, sit down," Andy offers, gesturing towards the couch.

Cara nods and goes to sit down, admiring the stylish and comfortable furniture.

Cara laughs and crosses her legs as she asks, "Do you do this with all the girls you bring back?"

Andy shakes his head silently, pulling out two glasses. "I never bring girls back. This is my sanctuary, and I enjoy your company, Cara," he says with a frisky tone.

Cara nods, looking at the skyline from the window. They are so high up that all she can see is fog.

Andy jumps down beside her and pours them both a cup of whiskey.

"Why did you bring me here?" Cara asks abruptly, feeding for an answer.

"To tell you the truth, you wouldn't have lasted another 10 minutes in that place. I can tell those vampires were hungry for you. They were so close. I had to do something," he replied.

"And they would have followed you back home. I've seen it happen before," he added, taking a sip of his drink.

Cara went into a daze.

How would he know that? Has he done that before? Cara takes her drink and has a sip.

"Thank you, I suppose," she said with a smile.

Andy turns on his music and blasts it all around his apartment.

They've been drinking for a good hour now, both of them are very tipsy.

Cara feels the music pumping through her veins, and she can't help but dance a little.

The atmosphere is electric, and they're both enjoying themselves.

Suddenly, Andy pulls out the pills he had from earlier. Cara looks at him while he crushes the pills up.

"You want some?" he asks, noticing she was watching. Cara's heart races as she considers the offer.

She's never done anything like this before, but the thrill of the moment is too much to resist.

"Why not?" she says, laughing and taking another sip of her drink.

"It's fun," Andy says with a grin, forming the powder into a line.

They both snort it together, and the rush of the drugs hits them both very quickly.

Cara feels her heart racing, and she can't help but feel a little scared.

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