Midnight Conversation and a New Tent

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Hazel's pov:

I walked towards the stairs and climbed up them and sat at the top stair and looked down at the cult.

I watched the nine followers sleeping peacefully in their sleeping bags and smiled softly.

I turned my attention to Jamar who was still monologuing their nonexistent relationship with the lamb to no one while they were chopping wood in the Lumberyard.

"I should probably tell Lambert about Jamar. Maybe he can get them to take off the necklace.. and probably never give them another gift in the future." I said to myself quietly.

Just then the stone pentagram started to glow red and a dark figure with red eyes came out and the red light started to fade revealing the dark figure was Lambert who shaked his head and his eyes went back to normal.

Lambert's pov:

When I opened my eyes I saw Hazel looking at me and I smiled.

"Hey how was the crusade little lamb?" Hazel asked me.

I cringed slightly when she called me 'Little Lamb' but decided to ignore it and answer her question.

"It was successful! I've saved a Fennec Fox for being sacrificed and defeated Gusion and recruited both of them to my cult!" I said I started to walk down the stairs with Hazel in tow and walked towards the Shrine and started to collect the devotion my followers gave to the Shrine.

The Shrine's eyes suddenly turned red and I had a divine inspiration.

I decided that my followers deserved better sleeping quarters than a sleeping bag that will fall apart in three or four days. So I decided they deserve to sleep in a shelter tent.

"Helloo? Is anyone in there?" Hazel said as she waved her hand in my face.

I snapped back into reality and saw that it was still night.
"I'm back! Sorry Hazel I just had a divine inspection idea for my cult and my followers. Were you trying to tell me something?" I asked Hazel as she let out an annoyed sigh.

"I was trying to tell you that you need to tell Jamar that they have to take off the Moon necklace. I think the lack of sleep is driving them insane." Hazel told me.

"Jamar? That blue fox Jamar? Oh no, the lack of sleep didn't make them crazy. They've always been like that ever since I've saved them from being sacrificed. I seriously regret saving them. Anyway I gave them the Moon necklace as a "gift" as a punishment because everytime I go to sleep they sniff my wool,kiss my entire face and ugh whispering in my ears things they want me to do to them when I marry them.
It was a bunch of angry,sexual and disgusting things."
I said while shuttering at the memory.

"Wow..." Hazel said with a look of disgust on her face.

"So is that why you sleep in a hut instead of a sleeping bag like your other followers?" Hazel asked me.

"Yep." I said simply.

"Anyway you and the rest of my followers won't have to sleep in sleeping bags anymore because... you're all going to sleep in shelter tents!" I said loudly but not too loud that it will wake up some of my followers.

I walked towards the building station and got out the materials to make the tent and walked towards Hazel's sleeping bag and set the materials down and looked at Hazel.

"And you're going to be the first one to have a shelter tent for me to build!" I said to Hazel and started building her tent.

A few minutes later I completed building Hazel's tent.

"Well Hazel what do you think?" I asked Hazel. Hazel came up to see her tent and smiled.

"It looks nice little lamb, thanks." Hazel said as she leaned down to pet my head. I removed the red crown from my head to give her hand more space to pet my head.

'Thank goodness the back of my fleece is long enough to cover my backside because my tail won't stop wagging!' I thought with a slight blush on my face.

"Well if you want I can get rid of my hut and put up a tent next to yours if you still want to sleep next to me."

I said to Hazel while fighting the urge to blush.

"I would love to little lamb but after you've explained why you sleep in a hut instead of a sleeping bag I think you should keep it." Hazel said while rubbing the back of her head.

"Oh well I guess that's fair. Plus if Jamar dies I can finally get rid of the hut. Some of my followers have been complaining about sleeping in the freezing cold rain while I sleep in a "nice" "cozy" hut." I told Hazel.

We both awkwardly looked at the ground thinking of something else to talk about but couldn't think of anything else.

"Well I better get some sleep. Good night little lamb." Hazel said as she went inside her tent.

"Sweet dreams Hazel." I said I walked into my hut.

"Oh little lamb, wait!" Hazel yelled startling me and I looked at her.

"I almost forgot to tell you that I put the bowls of Understanding potion in your hut! I couldn't put them in my sleeping bag. Hope you don't mind." Hazel told me.

I looked inside my hut to see six bowls of potion in the corner of the hut.

"It's ok Hazel. Now that you have a tent you can store your potions and belon- *yawn*-gings in there from now on!" I said while yawning.

"Okay! Well there's no point in keeping each other awake much longer good night little lamb." Hazel said as she walked into her tent.

"Night Hazel." I said and walked into my hut to turn in for the night.

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