The feeling (sneak peek )

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(Note this happened after Lambert and Hazel preformed the 'Divine Spell')

The One Who Waits pov:

I felt it.
I felt a great surge of magic and power being unleashed upon the forest.
"Master, are you ok?" Baal asked me while Aym looked at me with concern.
"Yes I'm okay Baal no need to worry about me."
I answered and let the two go back to sleep. (Were they meditating or sleeping during the game?)

When Baal and Aym were asleep I couldn't stop thinking about that strong magic surge. I knew I couldn't talk about out loud out of fear that Baal and Aym would overhear me so I decided to meditate on it.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and let it go and opened my eyes to find that I'm suddenly in a dark void no Baal and Aym.

I was completely alone.


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