𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘖𝘯𝘦

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"Stop we didn't get to spend enough time with each other," Bailey says as I pack my bags getting ready for Jack and me to leave "I know, but once this press is over I'll come to see you when I'm free," I say as I fold a shirt and put it into my suitcase

"I know, next time come without Jack so we can talk shit about Jack," Bailey says "Hey!" Jack yells from the other room

"You heard nothing," Bailey says to him and I laugh "Yeah, totally," Jack says

"But seriously, we need more girl time," She says "I agree, we have so much to catch up on," I say and she nods

"Jack, I hope you don't think I'm packing for you," I yell to him "Why not?" He whines

"Because you're a big boy, you can do it yourself," I say "But you fold my clothes better," He says while walking into the room

"But they're your clothes, you wear them, not me," I say and he scoffs "You wear my clothes more than I wear my clothes," He says and I look at him

"I hope that's not true, 'cause then what are you wearing?" I joke "You know what I meant," He rolls his eyes with a laugh

"We have to leave in an hour, hurry it up," I say to him as he groans and drags himself toward his bag "Ugh," He says while picking it up and placing it on the bed

"You're such a big baby," I say while rolling my eyes "No I'm not," He shakes his head

"Okay then, fold your clothes," I say crossing my arms to look at him "Fine, I will," He says while walking toward the wardrobe and grabbing a couple of his shirts out of it

He looks at me while he horribly folds his clothes "See," He says while shoving the badly folded shirt into his suitcase "All I see is you folding your clothes horribly," I laugh and he groans

"That's why I wanted you to do it," he says and we hear Bailey laugh from behind us "What?" I ask her

"You know, you guys act like a married couple," She says and I scoff "No we don't," I shake my head as I re-fold Jack's shirt

"You re-folding his shirt just shows it," She says and I don't say anything "You know I'm right," She says and I laugh

"Will you do the rest?" He asks innocently "I guess," I sigh, I honestly have no problem with folding his clothes if it means they aren't shoved in here so they end up having wrinkles on them and then I have to iron them

"Great, I'm gonna go shower," He says while grabbing a new pair of clothes before going to the bathroom, "You know, you seem happier," Bailey says while sitting on the bed after Jack walked out

"What do you mean?" I ask her as I continue to fold "I don't know, like even before when you and Jack were dating I don't think I've seen you this happy it's not shown but you can just tell that in your heart you feel happier," She says softly and I smile

"I think I feel the same," I shrug "You definitely aren't the same, I think you've grown more comfortable with allowing yourself to love Jack," She says

"I don't know, I think I've always allowed myself to love him," I say "Yea you have but this time you aren't showing it all the time it's just a part of you now, does that make sense?" She laughs

"No," I say shaking my head with a laugh "I just think that you and him are really meant for each other, because no matter what you can always be yourself around him and it's amazing," She says and I smile

"He just makes me feel comfortable and safe," I smile at her "I love that," She says with a smile

"I really hope you guys last because if you don't then I don't believe in love," She jokes "If we don't last, I'll think love is dead," I say and she laughs

"Do you think you guys will last?" She asks "I mean we aren't officially dating yet, but I can already tell this time will be different," I smile while thinking about it

"Do you think he feels the same way?" She asks "I sure hope he does," I giggle

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"I'm so exhausted," I say as we make our way to baggage claim "Me too, I feel like I haven't slept for days," Jack groans

"I need sleep now!" I laugh "Me too," He agrees "My mum is already here, so we just need to get our bags and then she'll take us back to my flat and then we can sleep all we want, well of course until tomorrow," I say

My mum insisted on picking Jack and I up so we didn't have to get a cab back to my place, of course, I agreed because I miss her like crazy and honestly she misses Jack and wanted to see him

"I haven't seen your mom in so long," He says "I know, she always asks about you," I laugh

"It's because I'm her favorite," He jokes "No honestly I think you are," I laugh "My dad too, he asks about you all the time," I say with a smile

"Because who else is he gonna watch football with?" He laughs "Literally no one, he refuses to watch it with anyone else," I smile

I've always loved the relationship Jack has had with my family, the second my family met him they accepted him as their own and I have never been happier. Of course, I've had other boyfriends but my family never welcomed them in the way they did with Jack and I'm so thankful for that because Jack has truly been the only guy that has treated me right.

"I got our bags," Jack says breaking me out of my thoughts "Thank you," I smile at him

We walk hand in hand out of the airport, I spot my mum's car and we make our way toward her "Indi, Jack!" She says excitedly as she gets out of the car

"Mum!" I say while hugging her "I missed you," I say into her shoulder "I missed you too," She says before releasing me

"Jack, honey, I've missed you," She says while pulling him in for a hug "I missed you too, Mrs. Reid," He says while hugging her back

"Oh please, how many times do we have to talk about this, call me Katie," She smiles after breaking out of the hug "I know, I'm sorry," He laughs

"Okay, let's get you two home, so you can sleep," She smiles while putting her hands on Jack and I's back and leading us to the end of her car so we can put our bags in

"How long are you guys going to be here?" She asks "A couple of days and then we're done with press," I smile

"I'm gonna stay here for like a week after press is over but Jack's going home the day of our last interview," I smile and Jack nods

"Then I'm going to meet him in Virginia to see his family," I say as I put my suitcase in the car "Oh, I miss your mum, Jack, you know we talk all the time about you two," My mum smiles

"She misses you two Katie," Jack says while shutting to boot with a smile "When you see her give her my best," She smiles before we walk toward the front of the car

"I will," Jack says while opening the back door to get in the car "Okay, buckle up, and let's go," She says as we all sit in the car getting ready to go

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Author's note

I'm trying to give y'all as much time as possible to mentally prepare.

𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 // 𝑱𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑴𝑷𝑰𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now