𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦

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As I was finishing my hair I heard two knocks upon my door causing me to jump slightly, yesterday was my first official night in my flat, so I only had the essentials and everything I could carry by myself.

I had my essential bath stuff and clothes, but I was sleeping on the floor considering I haven't even bought a bed yet but that's fine. I walk out of the bathroom while unplugging my straightener.

I walk toward the front door and open it to reveal Jack, "Hey," He says nervously with a smile "Hi," I say while moving to the side for him to come in

"So what's on the agenda today?" He asks in a sort of mum way which makes me laugh "Uh, so I need to go shopping, for a bed because I slept on the floor last night which hurt, I have to buy a couch, most of my necessities are already here but there was some stuff my mother shipped from my flat in London so I need to get those out of Willow's apartment, and if I find a bed or a couch then I'm more than a hundred percent gonna need help with that," I say while putting my hands on my hips

"Okay, sounds good, what stores do you want to go to look for a bed and a couch?" He asks "Probably just the basic places, Ikea, home goods," I say and he nods

"Okay, when do you want to go?" He asks "Let me just go get my shoes and then we can go," I smile before turning away and letting out a sigh

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We had just gotten out of the last shop were in, and it was pretty successful, I found a bed, a couch, a dining table, and a few other things. They are all getting delivered to my flat later so that means we have some time to kill

"Do you wanna go for ice cream?" I ask Jack as we walk down the street "Yes," He says softly

"Okay there is one over there," I say while pointing to the ice cream shop across the road down about a block "Perfect," He says

The whole time we've been together today it feels like Jack is almost walking on eggshells around me. He doesn't say much unless I make the conversation first, he seems very stiff as well. This whole time he's just had his hands either at his sides or crossed in front of him

"Are you okay?" I ask him because I don't know how much more of this silence and awkwardness I can take "Yea, why?" He says

"This whole time it feels like you either really don't want to be here or you just really dread being around me," I say and he whips his head toward me "Why do you say that?" He says confused

"Because you have barely spoken a word, you don't ever let yourself come too close to me, you just agree with everything I say and if you aren't speaking you're just nodding your head," I say

"I just don't know what to do," He says lowly while shrugging "What do you mean?" I ask

"I don't know how I'm supposed to act anymore. I hurt you Indigo, that fact that you'd even want to see me is beyond my mind," He says "Jack, I'm not mad at you, yes I'm hurt but I'm trying to find ways to forgive you, but that means you also have to forgive yourself," I say

"I just don't get why you aren't throwing me into oncoming traffic because If I were you I would," he says and I laugh slightly "I've been considering it honestly," I joke and he rolls his eyes

"But seriously Jack, I care about you, you know this so no matter what has happened I could never hate you, so please work with me here because I want to forgive you," I say "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous that I might say the wrong thing and mess shit up," He says as we go to cross the street

"If you say something stupid I'll just push you into the traffic so you know you messed up," I say and he laughs "Good to know," He says we reach the other side of the road

We soon reach the ice cream shop, and we waited in line for about two minutes and then we ordered our ice cream. I got peanut butter cup ice cream and he got the most basic thing ever, vanilla with rainbow sprinkles; which I laughed at when he ordered.

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Liked by baileybass, jamieflatters, and 926,082 others

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Liked by baileybass, jamieflatters, and 926,082 others

indigoreid: I got furniture for my flat today and then had the best ice cream ever (I didn't take pictures tho so here's baby Indi)

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willowbarnes: cutie
^indigoreid: miss you already

joshuabasset: thank you for giving my girlfriend back
^indigoreid: ur welcome ig

jackchampion: funny how ur face looks the exact same when you eat ice cream now
^indigoreid: ice cream = life

jordancortez: bby indi's outfit was top tier
^indigoreid: I know, why wasn't I a model for Vogue??

misstrinitybliss: we need to get ice cream when we hang out!!
^indigoreid: yes we do!!

jamieflatters: should have but the ice cream in Jack's hair
^indigoreid: I was actually gonna push him into oncoming traffic


username: everybody stay calm, what's the procedure, everybody stay fucking calm!!

username: she and Jamie need to make a diss track
^indigoreid: @jamieflatters I think we should

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Author's note

Okay, so some of you wanted to change your answers about the album title so this is the final vote and make sure to only comment on one only once so I don't count your comment twice!!

in spite of it all 

from my heart 

tear stained 

love as the stars went out 

These were the most popular ones so we'll be choosing out of these four!!

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