𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦

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Anna <3
Hey hun, how are you holding up?

Indi <3
as well as I can be. I miss you

Anna <3
I miss you too Honey. If you need to talk about how much an idiot my son is I'd be glad to listen.

Indi <3
thank you <3

Anna <3
You're welcome, you know I love you like one of my own Indi

Indi <3
I know and I'm so thankful for that

Anna <3
I've tried talking to him but he's stuck in his ways.

Indi <3
It's okay. Maybe this is for the better.

Anna <3
I don't think it is. He loves you and I have no clue why he is acting like this.

Indi <3
it's okay, really. I'll learn to move on with my life.

Anna <3
okay well I'm gonna let you get some rest, please don't hesitate to call if you need to since I know your mom is busy right now. I'll try to knock some sense into him in the meantime.

Indi <3
thank you, truly. It means a lot. I'll have to come see you soon.

Anna <3
I'll see you at the movie premiere, we can go out to dinner after that. just me and you.

Indi <3
I'd like that.

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"Okay, so do you think this song is actually going to go somewhere?" My producer asks as we sit in the studio "Yes, I'm actually very proud of it," I say as I hold the paper or the half-written song on it  

"Okay, well sing some of it and I'll go along to find the right sounds for it," He says and I nod my head in understatement 

"Ready?" I ask him and he nods, I clear my throat before I start "Turn the lights off on the come down, I still get emotional, when I think about your old house," I sing 

"Hopefully, the high, works to change my mind. Now I feel you in my room," I sing as he plays around with different tempos "Haven't seen you in a lifetime, what am I supposed to do, when you used to be my lifeline?" 

He plays a beat that he seems to stick with as I sing the rest of what I have written. I finish the song and I look up to see him smiling "How do we feel about this?" He asks while he plays around with that same beat one more time, he plays it back and I whisper sing the lyrics along to the beat 

"Okay, I like that," I smile while nodding my head "Maybe if we speed it up a bit?" I suggest "Oh, that could work," He nods while turning back toward the computer 

"Yes, that!" I say while he plays it back "It definitely needs more instruments but we can add those," He says and I nod my head in agreement 

"Let's do that again," he says while picking up his guitar and getting ready to press the play button "Go," He says and I start singing the song, replacing old sentences with ones I think fit better and adding new ones 

He finds the right keys to play while recording it so he can remember, I nod my head along as I continue to sing because I like the way it sounds. 

"Yes, yes," he says after we finish "That was so good," He smiles and so do I 

"I really like this song," I say "I do too," he nods in agreement 

"Now are we thinking of this as just a single or like on an ep? Album?" He shrugs while saying the last part "I'm not sure, I definitely need to release at least something soon, but I've also been writing other songs," I say nervously 

"Well whip them out, I need to hear them," He laughs and I pull my phone out where the half-written songs are 

I sing him a few of the songs I have and so far he has liked every single one of them, "I think this really has the potential to be an album," He says and I smile 

"You think so?" I laugh "I know so," he nods confidently "Tonight I want to write out whatever your heart is feeling no matter how good or bad you think it is and we will go over them tomorrow," he says and I nod 

"Indi, I really think we have the potential to create something good here," He says happily "This is making me so happy," I laugh 

"Okay, well, you get home, start on that writing," he says and I stand up quickly and suddenly the world around me becomes all fuzzy and I feel this sudden rush of dizziness 

"Hey, you okay?" He asks while standing up quickly to catch me in case I fall "No, yeah, I'm good," I say while putting my hand over my head while I keep blinking so the world becomes straight again 

"You want some water?" He asks and I shake my head "No, I'm good, just got up to quickly," I force out a laugh 

"Are you sure?" He asks with worry lacing his voice "No, yeah, I'm good, I promise," I say as he rests his hands on the sides of my arms in caution 

"Are you driving home?" He asks and I nod my head yes "Here, let me call Willow, so she can drive you home because there is no way I'm gonna let you drive yourself home like this," he says while grabbing his phone quickly 

"No, I'm fine," I say while trying to walk but the world around me grows fuzzy again and I feel like I'm standing on a cloud. "you're not fine," He says before pressing his phone to his ear 

"Hey, would you mind getting a cab here to drive Indigo home? I think she's going to pass out," he says, I can't recall what she's saying exactly but she is talking very loudly 

"I offered her water but she won't take it," he says and I roll my eyes "I know, but I don't have any snacks, or else I would," he says lowly 

"Okay, thank you," He says before hanging up "Here, let's sit you back down," He says while leading me back to the couch 

"I'm fine, I swear, just got up to quick that's all," I say trying to convince myself more than him "You're not fine," he shakes his head 

"I have known you for like four years and never once have I seen you like this," he says and I go silent "She'll be here soon but in the meantime drink this," he says while handing a water bottle from his mini fridge 

"Fine," I say before opening the bottle and taking a sip out of it 

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Author's note

There will be themes of an ed in the next few chapters so please if that triggers you do not hesitate to click off. If you haven't today please eat and drink water. You're beautiful the way you are and I love you.

I have unfortunately struggled with an ed since a very young age so I know how it feels and I know that some days are harder than others but you got this and I'm so sorry if this triggers you but I like to address real-life problems in my stories just so I can relate to them more and so that maybe you can too. 

𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 // 𝑱𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑴𝑷𝑰𝑶𝑵Where stories live. Discover now