Chapter 99 - Breaking the Habit

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Roughly around the same time. 

The hallways of the interiors of Spirit of Modervil, they are as empty as usual when it comes to large-scale operations going on among the Zlocu or Inquisitors, whether it involves suppressing a rebellion from one of their territories, inspecting whether the citizens are complying with the rules of the Zlocu, or even assisting in the raging battles across the globe. A perfect demonstration of the Zlocan war machine when it comes to battle in the name of culling weakness. 

Or so they would believe up until now. 

Julian walks around with hands in his pockets, observing every corner of the hallway, through each window showing a structure of varying heights, likely some radio towers or command posts, and then some of the corners leading to other rooms as well as the closed doors, all labeled with their own numbers and letters to signal what should be inside. In spite of his drowsy eyes, he keeps up the pace with a firm posture, all while only a few passing Zlocan guards pass by near him. 

Rita... I hope you're doing OK... He sighs as he shakes his head, with Rita still missing ever since the forceful confession. It's a matter of time of wondering if the Zlocu has more tests in mind for her, or even worse, the process that one dreads the most ever since that fateful day in Nevada, one that affected more than just the humans and Zlocans involved back then. 

But before he can keep going on his walk of solitude in the hallways, alarms blare in the background, which startles him for a bit while some of the few guards merely turn up to see the speakers in the ceiling as the alarms continue to blare, as well as the sound of distant explosions in the background too. 

"Emergency;  bandits identified as UEF fighters have begun a raid on Spirit of Modervil. Anti-air defenses and command posts have been among the many targets struck by their latest bombing run. All available personnel should deploy to their respective positions, whether it's air interception, air defense, or communications control. All other personnel should remain calm and follow the latest instruction from your nearby CO. I repeat, our base is under attack, defense is pivotal if it means keeping the last part of the Shield of Krest." 

As this happens, the Zlocan guards scramble away as they rush to the nearest corner of the hallway to head to their assigned post, all while Julian stands there without any other movement or word, still thinking of whether he should go to his assigned post as well, or perhaps, look for Rita. 

Right as he's about to take a turn to the left, he catches a glimpse of Zlocan guards strolling a cart of sorts, a bed with wheels to be exact, all while a peculiar figure is strapped in without any sort of movement whatsoever aside from the faintest of breathing, all while the guards take the figure to the right part of the hallway with a bit of rush in their part. 

With a keen eye on Julian's part, he sees a distinctive shape on the figure strapped on the bed, one that is enough to raise his eyes enough to show the whites. 

"Rita...!" Julian mutters. It must be her, it has to be. So long he has followed the Zlocu's command at every opportunity if only out of a desire to please his father, but at this moment, all that really matters, especially in light of recent events, is to know if Rita can indeed be saved. Even if that means risking the Zlocu's wrath. 

And so, with one swift glimpse at his hand that still carries the cut line back when he tried to use a cutter out of remorse, clenches it and walks in the direction of the Zlocan guards as fast as he can.

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