Chapter 4.1 - Welcome to the Inquisition

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August 13th. 20:30

If there is one place where one can go and find something worth of mysteries and tragedies, the dark desert of Nevada answers that doubt. The place where the nuclear tests were performed by the American government during the Second World War and the Cold War. But that is not the most interesting side of said desert. This aspect is the enigmatic base: Area 51.

While official reports say that this is actually just a US Air Force base for prototype planes, many people believe that it is actually a base containing secrets coming from outer space, including extraterrestrial life.

It later turned out to be actually that the prey revealed the nest of the hidden hunter for all these years.

The outlook has changed. Traces of Zlocan machinery is present in every corner. Walkers, dropships, charge tanks, it didn't matter what type they were, all that mattered is that now an important zone from the American government has been stripped away from enemy hands.

A bleak figure hunches over a large desk, cornered by numerous monitors. The human technology is archaic, to his great annoyance, but it will do for now. Some display videos of Zlocu victories, others reports. Each screen reflects off his visor as he watches each dispassionately. 

His duster shivers against the floor as the door behind him opens. If the figure bat an eye, it was lost behind his opaque visor. 

"Report." He grunts. The gruff voice reverberates around the room, mechanical and rough. 

The Zlocan sergeant behind him stands tall and salutes smartly. "Sir. The survivor you wanted is arrived." 

"Bring him in. See that we are alone." 

"Affirmative." The Zlocan stands aside and motions the bloodied Knight through. The Knight heaves and almost collapses, managing a weak salute. The door slams shut behind him. 

"L...Lord Raven," he says as he coughs. "I..." 

"Sit. You are wounded." The Knight takes a seat near one of the tables that are in the room as tries to keep his composure. 

Lord Raven rises and offers his chair. His full form is revealed; even by Zlocu standards, he is massive. Standing a whole head above the Knight, his black pauldrons shinelessly repel the monitor's light and cuts a colorless silhouette--colorless except for a pair of crimson gauntlets on his forearms. Apparently, they were the same color as human blood, though to his disappointment Lord Raven cannot confirm this. 

The Knight crumples into the seat and sighs. Lord Raven gestures brusquely at the top left monitor. 

"What do you see?" 

The Knight watches in shameful silence. Lord Raven tsks


"...It's my patrol," the Knight murmurs. "Dying." 

"Nothing unusual on the battlefield...but oh, look here." 

He pinches the touchscreen and zooms in on a black figure, surrounded by four paler figures. But one is not like the others. One has teal skin and slender wings. 

" we have here?"

"We...we were doing our jobs in what you said. It was all going well until...the attackers ambushed and killed most of the units except me..." the knight replies, still in a trembling posture while sustaining his wound and shaky tone.

"Did you at least manage to identify them?"

"Yes, they were...Damn it! You're really not going to believe this but, they were the same people we were trying to hunt and recruit! Four ordinary people completely destroyed the unit!"

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