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"Power is not brute force and money; power is in your spirit. Power is in your soul. It is what your ancestors, your elders, and your gods gave you." - Winona LaDuke

Piero Antonio POV

As I held the phone to my ear, the distant voice of my oldest son, Fabiano, reached me. His words were concise, reflecting the efficient nature of our conversations. I could sense the detached demeanor that surrounded him, a characteristic shared by all my sons. 

They exuded a cold and deadly aura wherever they went, their emotions veiled behind a hardened exterior. In that moment, I couldn't help but yearn for a daughter, someone who could bring a touch of sweetness and warmth to their formidable presence.

"Son, I appreciate you keeping an eye on the businesses. I will be home soon," I responded, my voice filled with a mix of responsibility and power. The burden of my duties as a father and a leader of the family was always at the forefront of my mind, even as I navigated the treacherous world of organized crime.

Fabiano's response was swift and to the point, his words cutting through the air with precision. "The paperwork is piling up, Dad. We need your signature on important documents. When will you return?"

I sighed, a hint of weariness seeping into my voice. "I understand the urgency, son. I am dealing with some matters that require my attention here."

There was a momentary silence on the other end of the line, and I could almost picture Fabiano's stoic expression as he considered my words. Finally, he spoke, his tone unchanged. "Make sure you handle those matters quickly, Dad. We need you here."

The call ended, leaving me with a mix of pride and concern. My sons had inherited not only my business acumen but also the weight of our family legacy. 

As I looked out the window at the bustling streets of New York, I couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a balance between the world I had built and the desire for a softer, more affectionate presence within it.

As I descended the stairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the enticing scent of a sumptuous breakfast. Santino, one of my trusted associates, sat at the table, already engrossed in his morning meal. The maid, trembling and anxious, placed my coffee before me, her hurried departure indicating her apprehension in my presence.

Seated across from Santino, I took a sip of the steaming beverage, allowing the rich flavor to awaken my senses. It was during this moment of respite that Santino broached the subject of Mr. Perez's debt, the deadline for which loomed ominously.

"Boss, today marks the deadline for Mr. Perez's debt. Shall I assign some of our men to handle the matter, or do you wish to personally visit him at his residence?" Santino inquired, his voice laced with a mix of caution and deference.

A flicker of disdain crossed my face at the mention of Perez's name. The audacity of his transgressions gnawed at my patience, fueling a fiery determination to exact what was rightfully mine. The thought of visiting his abode personally, imposing my presence upon him, held a certain satisfaction.

"I will personally pay a visit to that wretched man's house," I replied, my tone brimming with contempt. "I want to witness his trepidation firsthand when he realizes the gravity of his actions. Let him understand the consequences he shall face for his deceit."

Santino merely shrugged in response, accustomed to my preference for hands-on involvement in matters of importance. However, a slight smirk played at the corner of my lips, betraying my amusement at his nonchalance.

I added with a hint of annoyance, "how many times must I remind you that you can address me by my name when we are in private? Save the formalities for others."

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