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"Overthinking is a habit that can be broken. It's all about redirecting your thoughts and focusing on the present moment."

Piero Antonio POV

As I picked up Belle, I cradled her in my arms, gently rubbing her back to soothe her. It took some time, but eventually, she began to calm down, her sobs softening into sniffles. Wanting to distract her from whatever had upset her, I asked Fabiano, perhaps an older cousin, to take her outside and engage her in some playful activities.

With Belle momentarily occupied, my attention shifted to the concerned faces of my family members. Ma, my mother, spoke up, her voice reflecting her worry. "What happened to the deep cut on her wrist? Did someone hurt her?" The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to me, awaiting my response.

Benjamin, a family member known for his protective nature, couldn't contain his indignation. "Who would dare to hurt such a small child," he exclaimed, his voice filled with righteous anger. His reaction resonated with everyone present, and a collective sense of empathy and protectiveness toward Belle filled the air.

The room fell into a solemn silence as my uncle Lorenzo shared a piece of information that left us all shocked and deeply concerned. "That's why she reacted like that when I came last time," he said, his voice heavy with regret. "She was so startled that she cried and had a panic attack." His revelation elicited glares from everyone, as they realized the gravity of the situation and the pain that Belle had been silently enduring.

As the weight of this revelation settled upon us, I felt compelled to share what we had recently discovered about Belle's past. "Natalie and John abused her," I said softly, my heart heavy with sorrow. "We only found out recently, and she's still in the process of recovering from the trauma." I paused, taking a moment to gather my emotions before continuing.

"I hope you all understand the sensitivity of the situation and the importance of respecting her boundaries," I implored, looking around at my family members. "She's still afraid that someone will punish her if she makes a mistake or does something wrong. So, it's crucial that we ask for her opinion and consent in everything we do with her."

The gravity of Belle's past experiences sank in, and the room was filled with a mix of emotions—sadness, anger, and a collective determination to protect and support her. Each family member seemed to grasp the significance of their actions and the responsibility they held in creating a safe and nurturing environment for Belle.

My words had a profound impact, and the room was engulfed in a sense of empathy and understanding. It became clear that we needed to be patient, compassionate, and gentle in our interactions with Belle, giving her the time and space she needed to heal and trust again.

My father's anger was palpable, his hands tightly gripping the armrest of his chair, his eyes burning with fury. "Where are those bastards that hurt her?" he demanded in a tone that sent shivers down my spine. The room seemed to tense up as everyone held their breath, waiting for a response.

"They are in the basement. I kept them alive for everyone," Piero, one of my family members, responded with a steely resolve. His words carried a weight of justice, a promise that those who had caused harm to Belle would face the consequences. I could see a glint of satisfaction in his eyes as he shared his plan to protect her from any further harm.

The collective agreement that followed was chilling as evil smiles spread across everyone's faces. There was a unified determination to ensure that those responsible for Belle's pain would never be able to harm her again. The intense love and protectiveness we felt for her turned into a fierce shield against anyone who posed a threat to her well-being.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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