chapter 4

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I waited anxiously for him to come. I looked all around the large lobby, unsure of which direction he'd be coming from.

A deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Excuse me ma'am, you cannot be here." I turned around and saw a tall man, clad in black standing before me. He was extremely tall, maybe 6'3 and he towered over me. From his long sleeve shirt, I could see tattoos peaking out from his hand and his neck. He looked extremely intimidating.

"I- I'm waiting for someone" I told him nervously.

He shook his head. "This isn't a park" and he went to grab my hand.

He clutched onto it, and began to drag me out the building. I tried to fight back as best as I could, but it was no use. This man was 3x the size of me . My 100 pound self had nothing on this man.

Before he could completely throw me out to the storm outside, a deep, dark voice stopped him.

"Stop." he commanded.

The man still didn't let me go. He maintained his iron-tight hold on my arm. One wrong turn and I know he could break it like a twig.

"Ro, she was some random person loitering in the lobby. This is a place of home and business." He explained to the man.

"Mr. Ashford" I called out.

He came towards us. As he walked closer to us, I studied him. He wore dark pants and a sweater, with a dark brown coat around him. He was tall too. Slightly taller than the asshole holding me.

He finally made it closer to us, and I looked up to him in complete awe. I couldn't believe it. This was my father.

He looked down to me. "Who are you" he asked me.

"C-Charlotte" I responded. I was shivering more and more. The cold was catching up to me now.

"Charlotte" he answered back. "Why are you here?" he asked me as he tilted his head to the side, studying me curiously. He looked even more intimidating.

"I need to speak to you" I told him.

He nodded and continued to study me. "Follow me" he said. The goon let go of me. I thought we'd be on our way, but my father stood still. His eyes were focused on my arm.

I followed his line of sight and looked to my arm. A huge bruise was present. "Let's go" he said. He waited for me to grab my bag, and walk beside him.

I followed him straight through the elevator doors.

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