chapter 8

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I was a father. How in the fuck- I'm 31 years old. I should be at a bar getting drunk. Not sitting here thinking about how careless I was as a teenager.

The minute I saw the picture, memories hit me like a brick. Addy was my first girlfriend. The only girl to ever make me happy. She grew up with a single parent, and we were high school sweethearts. When I turned 17, we ended up moving due to family tensions.

I had to leave her.

I left without saying goodbye. It was what was best at the time.

I never knew she was pregnant. Had I known, I would've stayed with her through thick and thin. I would've been supporting father.

I'm in complete shock. Charlotte looks just like her mother- tiny with long dark brown hair.

I needed a minute to think about this.

More importantly, how am I going to raise a child in the dangerous world I live in? All these thoughts ran through my head.

I forgot I was alone for a sec and turned around. Charlotte was standing there, just as shocked as I was. I got up and walked towards her. She looked up to me with a sick and exhausted look.

She needed to rest.

"I can take you to the guest room" I told her cautiously. She looked up, her clothes still damp from the rain. I went to grab her bag when I noticed the dark hand shaped bruise on her arm again. It was much more prominent now. Anger flared through me.

Was I feeling protective?

I led her through the hall to a guest room with an en suite bathroom. I usually had this room stocked and ready for when my buddies needed a place to crash after long nights.

"Let me know if you need anything" I told her, and closed the door.

I was still lost in my head. I figured she must be hungry because she hadn't eaten in a couple hours. If it was me alone, I would've ordered a pizza. But now I have to make healthier choices.

Look at me already being a responsible parent. Dammit.

I decided the quickest thing would be pasta and chicken. I whipped some of that up real quick and set it on a plate.

Healthy carbs and protein. She looked like she needed it. For 15, she seemed underweight. Her eyes were sunken in and she was very slim. Could be due to the past couple of weeks she's had to endure.

I wouldn't be the strict parent who always forced their kids to eat healthy, but I would make sure she got good food.

Who have I become?

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