chapter 26

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We made it home in less than 10 minutes. Grey sped through the city like an F1 race car driver. I was surprised he didn't even get pulled over.

It was awesome.

"Grey when I get my permit, can you teach me how to drive?" I looked to him hopefully.

He shook his head. "No. You should learn with a professional driving school or something." he said as he parked the car.

"But that's boring" I told him.

"But that's safer" he chuckled.

We got out and he helped me upstairs to his penthouse, which was a couple levels lower than my dad's. As we entered, I noticed the completely different vibe.

Although it was the same layout, the color scheme was totally different. My dad's apartment had a variety of neutral colors that made it bright. Grey's apartment was the complete opposite, with different shades of grey and black all around. It was an open layout plan, so you could see everything in one room.

"I like your gothic vibe" I told him.

He looked at me with a pained expression. "Goth? I'm not into that. I just liked the dark vibe. Matches my soul." He muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "Grey your soul isn't black."

He looked at me for a little as if he was in deep thought, and then broke out from his trance. While he was in the kitchen, I decided to explore the place a little. His whole apartment gave off a midnight theme, which I loved.

"You probably shouldn't put weight on your ankle" he told me as he sat by the counter on his laptop.

"Yeah, yeah" I said ignoring him.

I walked over to a large bookshelf near the window. There were books galore. As my fingers combed through the spines, I noticed there were a variety of different genres. From medical textbooks to mystery to thrillers- he had them all.

"Grey, I didn't know you were a avid reader" I told him as I pulled out a classic- "Jane Austin".

"Reading is the key to knowledge" he responded.

"So philosophical" I teased.

I continued to look through all of his books, when suddenly something caught my eye.

A picture frame. Grey didn't look to be the memorial type, so it caught my interest.

Inside, was a picture of a young man who looked to be about a teenager, and one little girl who looked to be around 7 or 8. I picked up the frame and dusted some dust from it.

In the picture they were smiling. They looked beyond happy.

"Grey, who are these people?" I asked him as I rubbed my fingers over the frame.

He walked over, and I saw a pained expression on his face. He grabbed the frame from me and looked at in intently.

"It's me and my little sister"

I gasped. "You have a little sister?! Can I meet her?" I asked excitedly.

"She's gone" he replied darkly.

"What do you mean?" I asked him softly as I looked to him and furrowed my eyebrows.

He looked to me. "She's gone" and he stormed back over to his laptop.


Did I upset him?

I decided I was finished with my exploring and walked over to Grey, more like limped.

I took a seat on the stool next to him. "Grey, are you okay? Did I do something?" I asked him softly.

"No Char, I'm fine." He said, as if he was afraid to show emotions.

I reached over and hugged him. "I'm sorry if I said something" I told him. "You're the best uncle I've ever had in my life. I don't want to make you sad" I told him honestly.

He wrapped his arms around me and leaned down to kiss the crown of my head.

"I promise I'm okay Char. And that means a lot. Thank you" he said softly.

A/N okay but Char getting close to Uncle Grey😭 I love their bond so much ! Will she break his walls down? Stay tuned to find out!

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