chapter 22

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Last night was a shit show. But being in my dad's arms made me feel completely safe.

His parents and siblings were going to a business meeting today and to see some other friends, leaving him and I to spend the day together.

It was beyond windy in July. We both threw on our coats and headed out.

We stopped at a small coffee shop near millennium park, called La Rotisserie. It was a small Italian bakery owned by a couple who moved here a while ago.

We walked in and took a seat.

"This place has the best chocolate croissants"

I smiled. "I thought you were a health freak" I joked out to him.

He smiled mischievously. "Doctors make the worst patients"

They soon took our order and we both sat waiting for the food to time. We both ordered chocolate croissants and hot coffees to warm our insides.

"What exactly do you do for work?" I asked my dad curiously.

He looked conflicted on whether to answer honestly or not, but nonetheless gave in. "I'm a surgeon, but mainly for the mafia. I help treat wounded soldiers or really help with anything
medical related" he told me honestly.

"That's really cool" I told him, hiding the fact that if I wasn't already scared before, I was now. The mafia is probably one of the scariest crime organizations ever. It's those things you hear about in books or shows, never in real life.

Suddenly it dawned on me. Could that be why my grandma and mom kept me away from him all these years? To protect me from that life?

Before I could overthink more, he brought me out of my thoughts. "I know it seems scary, and it's definitely a shock, but rest assured- you will be safe." He told me in a serious tone, leaving no room for doubt.

Yes, I was definitely scared. This was a whole new world for me. One that I'd have to get used to now.

He grabbed my arm. "I can see your mind running in overdrive. I know it's a lot to take in, but I promise you will always be loved and protected."

I nodded, still taking time to process everything.

He continued on. "Grey does the same. He's one of the best surgeons in the country. Graduated from Harvard Med at only 23 as a doctor is beyond impressive." he spoke about his friend in admiration.

"That's crazy. I would've never known. He's more to himself."

"Grey has gone through a lot in his life. Maybe one day he'll open up to you, sweetheart." he said sincerely.

Soon, our coffee and croissants came and we sat down eating them.

"Do you want anything else to eat?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "No I'm full, thank you!" I told him. The waiter grabbed brought us the check and before he could grab it, I did.

"Snooze you loose" I told him as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"No no no, you aren't paying. I'm the father, so what I say, goes. Now hand me the check right now." He said seriously.

I rolled my eyes. Men.

"It's fine dad, let me treat you. You've helped me so much already."

He shook his head. "Charlotte, you aren't paying."

I gave in after a long argument.

He threw down his Amex platinum and soon we were headed out.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked me as the wind blew rigorously.

"Anywhere" I told him as my teeth chattered.

"Let's get you inside somewhere"

He wrapped his arm around me and we walked down the street.

We soon ended up at a building which looked incredibly abandoned.

As soon as he opened the door, it was as if we were transferred to a completely different world.

Inside, there was music, a bar, people everywhere.

A club.

"I just have to pickup some paperwork and then we can head out." He told me as I followed him to an upstairs area.

It was mesmerizing. It wasn't your average club. It looked like a club for high rollers. With fancy walls and furniture- this wasn't for the average.

I waited in this hall close to the office my dad entered. As I turned around to follow him in, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I immediately turned around and saw it was the goon who tried to stop me when I was first meeting my dad.

He had a hard look on his face, as he did last time.

"You seem to be everywhere. Well, you can't be here. You need to leave. This is a private office" he said as he grabbed my arm, yet again, and almost dragged me out.

I stomped on his foot and tried to get him to let me go.

"I-I'm his daughter, asshole" I screamed as I tried to escape from his tight hold.

I continued to hit and punch him, but he barely moved an inch.

"Get your motherfucking hands off her, now" I heard a voice practically growl.

Both of us turned around and look to see who the voice belonged to.


He smiled sinisterly. I've never seen him show emotion before besides our small time together, but for some reason, his smile looked deadly.

"So we finally meet" he told the goon as he leaned against the wall.

Well this wasn't going to be good

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