Chapter Fifty-Two

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Anna and Embry are 22. Isaiah is 6. Twins are 4.

Anna bites the inside of her cheek as Alice, Rosalie, Florence, Kim, Rachel, Emily and Leah finish their own outfits, having already got her ready "You're biting your cheek again, you have nothing to worry about

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Anna bites the inside of her cheek as Alice, Rosalie, Florence, Kim, Rachel, Emily and Leah finish their own outfits, having already got her ready "You're biting your cheek again, you have nothing to worry about." Rosalie tells her, gently holding her hands. "I know, I just... what if she does turn up?" Anna asks. "Then I will ask her... politely to leave." Rosalie responds. Anna nods. "Can we come in?" Emmett asks through the door. "Who do you have with you?" Rosalie asks him. "Me!" Isaiah, Joseph, Amy, Aurora and Claire giggle. "You can come in." Anna calls back. Emmett opens the door, Isaiah, Joseph, and the girls immediately running in "You look gorgeous sweetheart." Emmett tells Anna, kissing her head. "Thanks Dad." Anna smiles. "Mummy really pretty." Isaiah smiles. "Really really pretty." the twins grin simultaneously. "Thank you babies." Anna tells them. "We better get these rascals ready downstairs." Emily smiles. "We'll be down in a minute." Rosalie nods.

Anna smiles as the children get bearded downstairs "You ready?" Emmett as Anna. "Yeah, never been more sure about something." Anna tells him. Esme knocks on the door and smiles "You look beautiful, Anna. I thought you might need something old to wear. I wore this when I got married to Carlisle, I thought you might like to wear it." she tells her, showing her a necklace. "It's beautiful, I would love to. Thank you." Anna smiles, hugging her. Rosalie takes the necklace and puts it round Anna's neck "There, perfect." she smiles. "It's time." Emmett says, offering his arms to Anna. Smiling, Anna takes it and walks downstairs to where Billy is waiting "You look gorgeous Anna, I know Charlie would say the same. He'd be so happy for you and proud of the woman you've." he tells her, tears in his eyes. Anna smiles "Thank you Billy, it means a lot." she tells him with a sad smile, thinking of her dad.

The music starts and the twins walk down with Claire, throwing the purple and pink flower petals everywhere, Next Isaiah and Joseph walk down with a cushion each for the rings, the bridesmaids following "You ready?" Billy asks. "Yeah." Anna smiles, standing between Emmett and Billy. The two of them walk her down the aisle to where Embry is stood waiting for her, both of them kissing her cheek and giving Embry a playful look. Anna smiles and takes Anna's hand "You look a vision of beauty." he tells her. "You don't look too bad yourself handsome." Anna teases, turning to face him.

Once the ceremony is over, the couple kiss making the pack, the Cullen's and the Denali's all cheer for them as they walk back down the aisle. The two of them are covered in rice as Jacob and Quil aim for their heads, resulting in Rachel and Emily hitting them with their flowers. Anna smiles and goes to throw her bouquet but turns and goes over to Kim, passing them to her and Jared gets down on one knee "Kim, you are everything to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?" he asks. "Yes!" Kim exclaims, flinging herself at him. Everyone laughs as Jared falls backwards into the sand "You knew?" Embry asks. "He asked my yesterday before you all went off for your stag." Anna smiles. "That's why he asked to talk to you." Embry realises, with a smile.

Anna smiles as she dances with Embry "I love you." he tells her. "I love you too." Anna smiles, kissing him. "Daddy! My turn to dance with Mummy!" Isaiah shouts, running over. "Is it? I thought I would keep mummy all to myself." Embry smiles. "Nooo!" Isaiah giggles, trying to tackle Embry to the floor. Embry playfully falls over "No, you're too strong for me to take on." he tells their son. Isaiah giggles at him "Quick Mummy." he tells her, taking her hands. Anna chuckles "What about Daddy?" she asks. "We dance with him!" Amy and Aurora shout, jumping on Embry whiles hes still on the floor. "Dogpile!" Isaiah shouts, joining his sister's in squashing Embry. Joseph and Claire run over to join, Zachary, Emily and Sam's eldest, running over too. Anna laughs as Embry is squashed by two six year olds, three four years olds and a two year old "How is this fair? It's six against one!" Embry pouts. "Now it's seven." Paul chuckles, sitting his five month daughter Sarah on top.

As the day goes on, Anna sits smiling sadly as they watch the sunset "What's wrong baby?" Embry asks. "I wish Dad were here to see this." Anna tells him. "He is, he's watching over us all. Probably threatening me not to hurt you, knowing him." Embry responds, kissing her head. Anna giggles "Sounds like him." she nods. Leah walks over and holds Anna's hand "He's probably placing bets with my dad on who is going to get married after Jared and Kim." she tells her. The three of them look at each other "Seth and Zoé." they say simultaneously, looking over at Seth and his imprint who are embraced as they watch the sunset together. Lobo and Kuro run over and tackle Anna to the floor "Hey buddies." she laughs, fussing them both. Embry smiles and starts fussing them with her "Think they know we're going away for a week?" he asks. "Yeah, I can sense that they know." Anna nods, kissing both of her familiars on the head. "I promise that I'm going to look after them." Leah smiles. "I know, that's why I asked." Anna smiles.

Jacob jogs over and grabs Anna's hand, dragging her to the dance floor "I'm stealing your wife." he tells Embry, beginning to dance with her. Anna laughs as she dances goofily with her best friend, the two of them acting like teenagers again "I'm really happy for you and Emb, glad you two finally got together." Jacob tells her. Anna laughs "We've been together for six nearly seven years Jakey." she tells him. "Yeah and Quil and I had to deal with you since we were kids." he points out. "Rude." Anna pouts playfully. "it meant a lot to dad, you asking him to walk you down the aisle with Emmett." Jacob tells her. Anna nods "I wanted him to, he's been like a third dad to me growing up. Besides, originally I was going to have all three of them but with dad..." she trails off. "He was with you Anna, he's always with you." Jacob says. "I know, I just miss him." Anna nods. "We all do, but he died saving that woman at the store. He died an even bigger hero than he already was." Jacob tells her. "I know, that's why I can't be angry at him for going in without back up. He saved that woman and probably the cashier too, beside it's like you said. He's still with me. I see him in the kids everyday, I see him in my dreams, he's watching over us all with Harry." Anna smiles.

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