Chapter Three (Edited)

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The next morning Anna wakes up on the blow up matress in Jacob's room, with Embry's arm round her. She smiles and slowly rolls over and gets up without waking him, as she does so Isaiah starts crying making Embry and Jacob both wake up. "What time is it this time?" Jacob asks. "7 Am." Anna says picking Isaiah up and looking at her phone "I'm going to feed him. Embry you can find his clothes this morning." she tells them, Embry nods as Anna walks out the bedroom and into the kitchen. As she does she spots Billy in the living room "Morning Billy." she smiles. "Morning Anna. Listen, Jacob told me what happened and if you want to we'll talk to your dad. If he says yes, I don't mind if you stay here properly every now and then. You can turn one of the girl's old rooms into your own room." Billy tells her. Anna smiles and hugs him with one arm "Thank you Billy. I'll talk to dad about it." she tells him. Billy hugs her back "Now, do you want me to hold Isaiah while you do his bottle?" he asks. "If you don't mind." she smiles, Billy takes Isaiah and Anna does his bottle for him.

Once he's fed Anna takes Isaiah back to the bedroom to change him, when she walks in Embry hands her the outfit he chose "Thanks Emb. I just realised that Isaiah is 3 weeks old now." she smiles lying Isaiah down and changing him. "Woah. That's gone fast." Embry says shocked.

Once Isaiah is dressed Anna chuckles slightly "Of Course you'd make my baby boy into a dinosaur

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Once Isaiah is dressed Anna chuckles slightly "Of Course you'd make my baby boy into a dinosaur." she tells Embry who also chuckles. "Well he looks adorable in it." he comments making her nod. "I'm going to quickly change in Rachel's room, keep an eye on him." Anna tells Embry making him nod.

Anna walks back in the room and sits down by Isaiah's moses basket, Isaiah looks at Anna and lifts his head slightly to look at Embry "Aww well done baby

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Anna walks back in the room and sits down by Isaiah's moses basket, Isaiah looks at Anna and lifts his head slightly to look at Embry "Aww well done baby. Did you lift your head? Yes you did!" Anna exclaims lifting Isaiah up and kissing his nose gently. Embry gets closer to them "You're such a clever boy. Yes you are." he tells Isaiah as Jacob walks in. "What happened?" he asks. "Isaiah lifted his head up." Anna grins. Jacob smiles "You clever boy!" he smiles. Isaiah gurgles at them making Anna smile at him. The three of them walk into the living room and clear a small space, Anna places a folded up blanket down before placing Isaiah on it, tummy down. Billy wheels into the living room with a smile "I heard someone has learnt to lift his head." he says. Anna looks at him smiling "He did!" she exclaims happily. They all sit watching Isaiah lift his head ever so slightly every now and then. Anna leans down by him "Well done baby boy!" she coos picking him up. Isaiah makes a small noise back making Anna smile. "Really?" she asks him getting another noise again from him. Embry smiles and starts moving his batman toy at him, Isaiah reaches out to it gurgling softly at Embry. Anna passes him over and takes a picture of Embry playing with Isaiah on her phone. "I'm keeping this." she smiles looking at it. "Only if you send it to me." Embry tells her, Anna nods and sends it to him smiling to herself.

Later Jacob and Embry go for a walk with Quil while Charlie heads round to talk to Anna and Billy. When Charlie arrives Anna starts fidgeting making Billy squeeze her hand gently before opening the door for his best friend "Hey Billy." Charlie smiles. "Hey Charlie, Anna is on the living room." Billy tells him. Charlie walks in and sees his youngest daughter playing with his grandson "Hey Sweetheart. What is it that you want to talk about?" he asks. Anna looks at Billy who nods in encouragement "I want to stay here half the week, sometimes maybe the whole week. I can't be in the same house as Bella all the time." Anna says really fast. Charlie sits down and looks at her "Why? What's happened between you two?" he asks. "She..." Anna trails off trying not to cry. Billy looks at her "Anna, you need to tell him." he says softly. Charlie looks at his daughter "Do you want Billy to say?" he asks. Anna nods and leaves the room with Isaiah.

She walks into Jacob's bed room and lies on his bed, taking in his comforting scent. Isaiah lies on his tummy on her chest, he starts lifting his head to look at her making her smile "Hey baby boy. You are so clever. You are." she coos getting a gurgle in response. The door opens to reveal Charlie who walks in and sits on her bed "I've spoken to Billy. He said you can stay here whenever you want. But, I want to see you during the day when I'm off work, also for dinner sometimes. Please remember that it's always going to be your home." Charlie tells her. "I know Daddy. I just can't stay there if she won't except Isaiah. He's my life now and if she can't deal with that, then I can't be there all the time. I'll still come and stay sometimes though." Anna explains making her dad nod. Charlie hugs her "Now, I've heard a certain little man has lifted his head up on his own now." he says. "Yeah and he gurgles a little." Anna smiles down at Isaiah who grabs her hair.

Soon Jacob, Embry and Quil get back and walk in the house, Anna smiles "Come on boys. You three are helping me with my stuff." she tells them. The three of them sigh but walk out to her car, Embry takes Isaiah and puts him in his car seat for her "You're becoming a professional at it now." Anna jokes. Embry chuckles and goes slightly red in the face, Jacob attaches the trailer to the back of the car "This way we have more space in the car, besides we all know how much stuff you two have. Mainly Isaiah though." Jacob explains. "Thanks Jakey." Anna smiles as they all get in. Embry sits in the front with Jacob and Quil in the back, Isaiah between them. Anna pulls up and sees Bella's truck in the driveway, sighing she gets out and grabs Isaiah out the car. "Here I'll keep an eye on him while packing his stuff from the kitchen. You go pack your clothes and other bits." Embry tells her taking Isaiah from her. "Thanks Emb, Quil can you grab our stuff from downstairs, Jakey you come with me upstairs." Anna tells the boys. They each nod and walk into the house. Anna and Jacob go up to her room and start packing everything into bags, suitcases and boxes. Jacob doing Isaiah's stuff while Anna focuses on her stuff.

A couple minutes later Bella opens the door. "What's going on in here?" she asks. "I'm moving in with Jacob and Billy." Anna tells her bluntly. "Why?" Bella asks. "Because of you Bella. I can't live here when you're acting the way you are." Anna  explains annoyed. "Does dad know that you're doing this?" Bella asks crossing her arms. "Yes and he's already set conditions for me moving out." Anna says packing the last of her clothes and starting on her dresser. "Where's the baby?" Bella asks. "Downstairs with Embry and Quil. Also his name is Isaiah, not baby." Anna responds annoyed. Bella shrugs and walks back to her room. Jacob and Anna put the last of the bedroom and bathroom stuff in the trailer, before walking back in the house "We think we got everything." Quil tells her as he puts Isaiah's changing mat by a bag. "Did you get the pump?" Anna asks. "I did. Quil was too embarrassed to touch it." Embry chuckles making Quil glare. "Was not. It's just weird for me." he retorts making the others laugh slightly. Anna looks at Isaiah and sees him try and smile "Aww. Are you trying to smile?" she asks him. Isaiah gurgles at her "I'll take that as a yes." Anna chuckles. Bella walks downstairs "Oh you're still here." she says. "Yes I am. Problem?" Anna asks glaring. Bella rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen, Embry puts a hand on Anna's arm gently "Let's go." he tells her. Anna nods and picks up Isaiah's bag as Embry grabs Isaiah.

They reach the Black Residence and Anna breaks down crying, Embry turns to Jacob and Quil who motion to Isaiah before getting out the car with him. He turns to Anna and unplugs her from her seat, before pulling her over into his lap. Anna leans into him and cries until she can't anymore "Better?" Embry asks making her giggle slightly. "Yeah. Thanks Emb." she tells him with a hug.

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