Chapter Five (Edited)

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Anna sits in her bedroom, playing with Isaiah, when she gets a phone call from her dad

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Anna sits in her bedroom, playing with Isaiah, when she gets a phone call from her dad. "Hey Dad." she smiles. "Anna, you need to get to the hospital. Bella was in an accident." her Father tells her. "Okay. I'll be right there dad." she responds before hanging up. Anna looks down at Isaiah "Let's get you into something warmer." she tells him, Isaiah gurgles and kicks his legs slightly in response.

Anna arrives at the hospital and jumps out before grabbing Isaiah out of his car seat

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Anna arrives at the hospital and jumps out before grabbing Isaiah out of his car seat. With Isaiah in her arms she walks inside and finds Carlisle, she walks over to him "Carlisle, where's Bella?" she asks. "I'm just going to see her, come on." he smiles. Anna smiles and follows him "How is Isaiah doing?" he asks. "He's getting stronger everyday. He has also decided that kicking his legs is a good idea while I'm changing him." she chuckles. Carlisle laughs "He's definitely going to be a mischief maker." he comments. "That he will be." Anna agrees, Isaiah gurgles and starts sucking his fist while looking around. "I heard the Chief's eldest daughter was here." Carlisle says as they walk in. Anna goes over to her dad "Good. Dr. Cullen." Charlie greets. "I've got this one, Jackie." Carlisle tells The E.R. Doctor. Nodding she hands Carlisle the chart and exits, Carlisle reviews the chart and feels the back of Bella's head "You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion." he tells her. "I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really -" Charlie abruptly pulls the curtain between them cutting Tyler off. "It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way." Bella says, Anna's eyes widen making her look down at Isaiah. "Edward? Your boy?" Charlie asks. Carlisle quickly looks back at the chart but gives a nod "It was amazing he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me." Bella explains. Anna looks at Carlisle who smiles at Bella "As long as you're safe." he tells her. Anna looks at her dad "I'm going to head off dad." she says, Charlie nods and kisses her forehead and Isaiah's head. "I'll probably come down to Billy's at some point." he tells her, Anna nods and walks out the room.

Walking out the room Anna spots Edward and Rosalie, she walks over to them "What happened?" she asks. "Bella was almost hit by a car, I stopped it from happening." Edward tells her. "Bella is like me, she won't stop digging til she finds out the truth." Anna tells them. "Look she is different. I can't read her mind and her blood is a lot more potent to me. Rosalie glares at Edward as Carlisle walks over "This isn't just about you, it's about all of us-" she starts. Carlisle spots Bella and stops Rosalie "Let's take this in my office." he suggests. Rosalie glares at Edward as they walk off, Edward heading over to Bella. Anna looks at Rosalie "I have to go but I'll pop by soon." she promises. "Okay." Rosalie smiles. They both hug each other before Anna heads out to her car and drives home.

Anna walks into the house to find Sam and Jared there talking to Billy "Hey boys." she smiles. "Hey Anna." they both greet. Jared goes over "Here I'll take Isaiah out his romper as you get your shoes and coat off." he tells her. "Thanks Jare." Anna smiles handing him Isaiah. "So what's happening?" Anna asks as she walks over. "Sam imprinted on Leah's cousin Emily." Billy explains. "Ah." Anna says. "I've broken up with Leah." Sam tells her. Anna nods "If you can, give it a couple days before you talk to Emily." she suggests, Sam nods and runs a hand over his face with a groan. Anna goes over and hugs him round his waist "It'll work out somehow. The Moon Goddess wouldn't have made it happen otherwise." she assures him. Sam hugs her back before they pull away from each other "Thanks Anna." Sam tells her. "Where's Jakey, Emb and Quil?" Anna asks Billy as Jared hands her Isaiah. "They had a project that they needed to finish at school." he tells her. Anna nods and goes to sit in the living room with Sam and Jared following, she sits on the floor and starts playing with Isaiah. Anna starts doing peekaboo when Isaiah suddenly smiles at her, Anna grins and looks at Sam and Jared "Did you see that?" she asks excitedly. "I'm guessing he hasn't smiled yet?" Jared asks. Anna shakes her head "Come on smile for Mummy." she coos getting her phone out. She smiles at Isaiah as he smiles again, as he does she takes a picture and sends it to the group chat for her, Jacob, Embry and Quil, along with sending it to her dad and Rosalie.

Soon Sam and Jared leave and Jacob, Embry and Quil arrive, they all rush over to Anna and Isaiah "We need to see his smile in real life!" Jacob tells her. Anna laughs at him and turns to Isaiah "Hey Sweetie. Where's that gorgeous smile for Mummy?" she coos at him. Isaiah smiles and gurgles at her, the three boys all smile "Aww he's so adorable." Jacob tells her. "I know, he takes after his Mother." Anna jokes making them all laugh. Billy rolls in and smiles at them "You guys want Chinese?" he asks. The four teens smile and nod at him, Billy laughs and goes to order their food as they play with Isaiah.

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