Chapter Eight (Edited)

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A week later Anna sits on the sofa with Jacob when Billy wheels in the room

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A week later Anna sits on the sofa with Jacob when Billy wheels in the room. "Anna, Jared and Paul need your help with something, they're outside." he tells her. "Can you look after Isaiah for me Jakey?" Anna asks Jacob. "Yeah sure thing." he smiles. Anna smiles and throws on her shoes before walking out the house "Hey guys what's up?" she asks as she reaches Paul and Jared. "It's Sam. He phased yesterday and accidently hurt Emily. She's going to be okay and doesn't blame him but he won't phase back." Jared explains. "Where is he?" she asks, Paul motions her to his truck where they all get in. Paul drives them to the First Beach where they park near the woods. The boys lead Anna into the woods where they find Sam, in his wolf form whining and pacing. Anna sighs and walks over to him "Sam?" she starts. He turns to look at her before whimpering. "Sam, Emily is going to be okay, she doesn't blame you. It's not your fault you're still struggling with your phasing and control." Anna tells him. Sam lies down beside her and huffs slightly, Anna hands him some shorts and a t-shirt "Now, go get dressed. I'll take you to see Emily and she can tell you herself that she isn't upset with you." Sam looks at her and whines slightly. "Samuel Uley, Now!" she tells him crossing her arms. Sam gets up and goes behind tree to phase back and change into the clothes Anna gave him, Paul looks at Anna "Remind me to not get on your bad side." he tells her. Anna chuckles "I thought you'd already knew that." she jokes.

Anna leads Sam into the hospital and stands outside Emily's room while he goes in to talk to her. After a few minutes Sam walks out the room "She wants to talk to you." he tells Anna. She nods and walks in, sitting next to Emily "Hey." she smiles. "Hi Anna. Can I asks you a favour?" Emily asks. "Yeah of course." Anna tells her. "Can you keep an eye on Sam for me?" she asks. "Yeah of course I will." Anna tells her with a smile. Emily smiles back as Anna's phone goes off, she gets it out and turns to Emily "I have to go. Jacob needs me." she tells her. "Okay I'll see you soon." Emily smiles as Anna leaves the room. As she leaves she looks at Sam "Go be with her, I'll get a lift home from Paul." she tells him. Sam nods and kisses her forehead before going back into Emily's room. Anna walks out and finds Paul waiting by the trees "You give me a ride home?" she asks. "Yeah if we head into the trees, I'll phase and run you home." Paul responds. Anna smiles and nods before following him into the trees, Paul runs behind a tree and comes out in his wolf form. Anna strokes his muzzle before climbing onto his back "Ready when you are." she tells him making him start running.

After a few minutes Paul comes to a stop and crouches down letting Anna off his back "Thanks Paul." she tells him kissing his nose before walking towards the house. Anna walks into the house to find Jacob sat on the sofa with Embry, who is holding Isaiah "Hey guys, thanks for looking after Isaiah." Anna smiles taking Isaiah from Embry and kissing his nose. "It's no problem. I am his Uncle after all." Jacob smiles. Anna chuckles and sits down on the floor with Isaiah lying down in front of her, Embry moves to the floor next to her so he can play Isaiah aswell. They hear a camera shutter an look up to see Jacob smiling at his phone "Send it to me or delete it." Anna tells him, Jacob chuckles and sends the picture to both Anna and Embry.

That evening Anna walks out of the bathroom drying her hair to find Jacob and Embry setting up Supernatural on the TV, she smiles and sits down on the sofa by Isaiah's moses basket "You haven't noticed have you?" Embry asks her

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That evening Anna walks out of the bathroom drying her hair to find Jacob and Embry setting up Supernatural on the TV, she smiles and sits down on the sofa by Isaiah's moses basket "You haven't noticed have you?" Embry asks her. Anna looks puzzled and looks at Isaiah before laughing softly "Really boys?" she asks. "You always say that Moose is the best nickname because Crowley came up with." Jacob grins. Anna nods in agreement and curls up in the corner of the sofa with Embry sat next to her.

When they're part way through their second episode Anna gets a phone call from Rosalie "Pause it a second, I need to take this

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When they're part way through their second episode Anna gets a phone call from Rosalie "Pause it a second, I need to take this." she tells the boys, Jacob nods and pauses the episode for her. Anna stands up and walks into her bedroom while answering her phone "Hey Rose." she smiles. "Anna! Stay wherever you are. Do not leave the house until I tell you it's safe. Call the alpha of the pack and tell them that it is a vampire killing the people. He's after Bella so Esme and I are staying in Forks to keep an eye on you and Charlie. Alice and Jasper are with Bella. Carlisle, Emmett and Edward are hunting him. Just promise you'll stay safe and keep Isaiah with you." Rosalie spurts out. Anna starts shaking "Y-yeah. I prom-ise. Just make s-sure that y-you guys stay s-safe." Anna responds. Rosalie hangs up and Anna immediately rings Sam "Hey Anna." Sam answers. "S-sam? The kill-ings were caused b-by a v-vampire. The C-Cullen's are d-dealing with him b-but R-rosalie told me to t-tell you." Anna stammers out. "Okay listen to me. I'm on my way round to you, pack a bag you and Isaiah are coming and staying with me, Jared and Paul." Sam tells her. "Sam I c-can't just l-leave Jacob and E-Embry." Anna tells him. "Okay tell Jacob and Embry that we're joining you three for the night. Billy is with me, he's going to go stay with your dad." Sam decides. "O-okay." Anna tells him before hanging up and going to the boys.

"Guys, Sam, Jared and Paul are coming round for the night. Bella has left dad so Billy is up there and he wants the three of them to keep an eye on us." Anna tells them. Jacob sighs but nods all the same as Embry picks Isaiah up "Okay. Why's Bella left?" Jacob asks. "Don't know and I don't care. If she's upset dad as much as I think she has I'm gonna kill her." Anna tells him sitting down next to Embry and Isaiah. Jacob looks at her and sighs before standing up and going to his room, Anna rests her head on Embry's shoulder and feels tears to prick her eyes. Embry puts Isaiah back in his moses basket and wraps his arms round Anna as she slowly starts crying into his chest while he sits there holding her.

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