chapter 17

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DATE- February 11th


It was the day before my birthday and i was excited. But the will was also getting read today which made me abit nervous. I wanted to know why sonia and ted had a will. They aren't posh? Right?

Me and maddy had to get people who were in the will. It was me,maddy,my mam and teds brother. The person had the will in thier hands and opened it once they realised that everyone was here.

Lawyer- "This is the will of Sonia and Ted perez. Sonia has asked for her only daughter, madeline that she keeps the house since it has been payed off for you to live in when u turn eighteen. Alexander, sonia left you her nail supplies,tricks and abit of cash incase u need it. Alexanders mother, ella sonia has left you her necklace collection, and asked for you also to stay away from Alexander and her daughter. Now, teds side of it. Maddy ur father left you his room full of his things, he says it has some photos of ur mother and him or some things that would make u happier now that he would be gone. Alexander, he left you that seat over there that we all know he sat on everyday. And he left his only brother, Graham, all of his  money supply. Thank you for joining."

We all just kinda sat there in abit of shock of what the hell that will said. I got left my aunties nails stuff, a chair and abit of cash? What? Everyone started to leave and me and maddy were left abit speechless. Even lexi and cassie had a shocked look on thier face. Sue was the table drinking wine, being normal. Me and lexi go to her room and  just sit there on our phones.

After like 30 minutes me and lexi were watching netflix and we kept hearing a knock on lexis window. We get up amd go to check what it was. It was ash per usual. We let him in but lexi left the room.

Ash- "so u didn't tell me it was your birthday tomorrow?"

Alex- "how the fuck do you know?"

Ash- "i find out everything, anyways i gotchu a whole bunch of things"

Alex- "you didn't have too you know"

Ash- "i know i wanted too"

Alex- "well, thank you"

Ash- "of course, ur my favourite person"

Alex- "and your mine, now can i go to sleep? Lexi still needs her room yk"

Ash- "yeah, i will be here tomorrow for ur party though"

Alex- "okies, goodnight ash"

Ash- "goodnight princess"

He kisses my cheek and climbs back to the windowcand leaves. His shadow starts disappearing in the distance. I slwoly close my eyes and start to fall alseep. The last thing i hear is lexi climbing into bed on the other side.


i wake up just like any other morning except the fact that im now 16. Lexi wasnt in bed so i just get up and head downstairs. Everyone was sitting around the table with breakfast. The other side had lots of presents, including ashs. I walk into the kitchen seeing my favourite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes, with whip cream and strawberries on top.

Maddy- "happy 16th alex, i love u"

Lexi- "happy birthday beautiful"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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