XXII - Epilogue

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 Temperance was officially 15 and a half months old today. A year, three months, and two weeks. It feels like a lifetime has gone by since she was born. Avalon herself had turned 20 recently. She is different now, no longer so unsure of her place in this world.

She had considered giving Temperance up for adoption, knowing that the people around her would have worked so hard to find her a loving home. It took until the day she was born for Avalon to make her decision. The first time that she had held her daughter she knew that she could never let her go. Temperance was so small back then and had needed so much love and care. The little village Avalon had gathered had stepped up to care for them both. Avalon felt like she couldn't give her daughter away, the way that her own parents had given up on her.

The little girl had many of her mother's features, but her father's curls. She did not look much like Percy, which Avalon was grateful for. She did not think of him often, knowing that he was well in the past. Percy never bothered their bond, whether from the distance or because he hadn't found someone new. Avalon didn't know, she didn't care. 

She was relieved, able to focus on aspects of her life that were more important.

Having a child was difficult, absolutely, but she made it all work. She had her little family, the friends she had made along the way, the friends and case worker who became more than that. She had found her family, people who would have never given her up because of a simple medical condition. She has what she had always been looking for: to be loved.


Their little family was having a holiday party. A combination of Christmas, New Year, and Avalon and Rosalie's birthdays. It was mostly just a chance for there to be end-of-year fun. They were set up in Imogen and Margot's apartment, the guests all milling about, terrorizing their poor cat Murphy.

Anna, Rosalie, Imogen, Margot, and Arthur. Of course, there were a few others, but that was the group that mattered to her. They are some of her closest friends and the foundations of her rock. Anna and Avalon still lived in the dorm together, Rosalie had moved out a couple of months ago to have an apartment with Fredrick. Temperance had the spare bedroom, and until the two of them were to age out of the dormitory system, Avalon would have her roommate.

Anna was training to become a medic, she had a strong desire to help people. She gloats about being a wonderful matchmaker, seeing that she played a part in three successful relationships: Rosie and Ricky; Eleanor and Alistair; Goldie and Ruth. It was all fun and games until Anna attempted to find someone for Avalon, who wanted nothing to do with romance.

Rosalie and Fredrick were both in college, living together, and had recently adopted a dog. Imogen and Margot were still the same old pair that Avalon had grown to rely on. Margot was working on a master's degree, preparing for when she was retiring from the crisis response team. Imogen and Margot were in their mid-twenties, and their lives felt calmer and without the major evolutions of some of their other friends.

Then there was Arthur. He was the first friend that she had made all on her own. He is tall and strong and has curly brown hair. The most dazzling blue eyes that she could just get lost in. He was also sweet and considerate and one of the best guys she had ever met. And too close to her to ever have a chance to be a lover, no matter how much Anna wanted to see them together. Arthur was her best friend.

It was a simple party, a close-knit group of friends laughing and enjoying their time together. Avalon loved all these people who had made her life so enjoyable. These were people who made her glad to wake up every morning and see what the world had to offer.

The party was laid back, which was something that Avalon was grateful for. This crowd was not overwhelming and the atmosphere was something that she could enjoy. This was friends enjoying an evening together, not one of those very loud college parties that Anna attempts to drag Avalon to sometimes.

The theme was holiday pajamas. There were the people who had the matching sets, the people who chose ones that were made to look like ugly Christmas sweaters, and those who clearly just picked from their drawer randomly with minimal care for the theme. There were holiday movies playing, a gingerbread making contest happened early in the evening, gifts had been exchanged, and many other little crafts and games were set up to entertain the guests.


Temperance was asleep in Arthur's arms as he carried her home. It was well past her bedtime and Avalon was surprised that she was able to last as long as she did. To be honest, it was almost Avalon's bedtime and she wasn't sure how she made it so long either.

Avalon, Arthur, and Temperance walked home together. Anna had left the party earlier, she had the beginnings of a really bad headache forming. Arthur went out of his way to walk the two of them home, not wanting them alone in the town when it was almost midnight. Even if she felt safe in this little town, he was adamant in being a gentleman.

It was the middle of December, tomorrow was the official anniversary of being with the Kingston Association. The day that she had landed in New York. It was not the sort of anniversary that was really celebrated, especially with the life that she had come from. This was also the time of year where her emotions were always a little off kilter. A time when her history subconsciously catches up to her.

The wolves like Arthur had it a little easier, he was a legacy member of Kingston. His grandfather was the one who had to be rescued from mistreatment, but Arthur himself just grew up as a normal member of the New York pack. Even though he has monosomy 44, Arthur's childhood was no different than any of the other local wolves.

They were quiet as they entered the dorm, knowing that Anna was likely asleep. Getting the little girl to bed was no issue, especially considering the party's theme. Temperance was obsessed with her 'Artie' and was willing to do a whole lot for him.

"Are we still down for the Christmas market tomorrow?" Arthur asks in a hushed voice. They were in the living room of the dorm, knowing that there were two sleeping people on either side of them. They hadn't even bothered to turn on the overhead light, and they were both cast in extreme angles. Avalon didn't like how pretty he looked even in the worst lighting.

"Yeah. At two, right?" Avalon says, even though she already knew the answer.

While Arthur agrees and the two of them continue their conversation in quiet voices, Avalon assesses the bag of presents she had received. Skincare, art supplies, some clothing pieces, the dainty style of jewelry she liked, and one of those extremely expensive candles that were somehow worth the price.

"Goodnight, Dummy," Avalon says to him, tightly wrapped in his embrace. They had managed to spend nearly another hour in each other's company and now was well beyond her bedtime. She felt a little guilty, knowing that he had a twenty minute walk ahead of him. But honestly, that was his own fault.

Arthur ruffles her hair as he lets go of their embrace, a move that she often did not like but right now she was too tired to care. She showed her friend out the door, assuring him that she would be awake in time for their plans tomorrow.

When she was alone, she prepared for bed. She left the gifts in the living room, deciding that it was a task for the morning. She felt content, something that she once thought she could have never been able to have. Avalon's life was much more fulfilling than she could have imagined.

She had a home, friends, a family, and a future to look forward to. Avalon is so far removed from the sad little girl who lived in a cabin in the woods. As much as the trauma of that time in her life shapes her, she could barely remember what living through that situation felt like.

Avalon at 17 would never have been able to imagine what her life was going to be like at 20. Back then, she wouldn't have had enough hope to believe that it could come true.


1475 words. Published 06.23.2023 Edited 12.23.2023

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