XIII - Happy Birthday

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 When Juno was young, before her diagnosis, her parents had been the type to pull her out of school for her birthday and ensure that the day was extra special for her. She was the youngest of three children and had a birthday that fell in mid-December, a time of year commonly overlooked by Christmas.

Then, after her parents had gotten rid of her, Juno spent her birthdays alone. Then again at that time in her life, she was completely alone. It was three years between Juno being abandoned and Luna Elizabeth coming into her life. Early on, Luna Elizabeth made sure that Juno wasn't alone anymore. Granted, there were certain limitations that wouldn't allow her to fully take care of Juno, but she did the best that she could.

Juno was officially 18, but she had to pretend that today was just another day. She still had to go to school, and still pretend that things were the same as they always were.

The first snow of the season had fallen in the night and Juno groaned knowing how cold it was going to be. She pulled on the warmest clothing that she could find and even then she knew that it was not going to be enough.

At the very least, Juno was able to revel in the warmth of the school. Her classes were mostly easy to get through. Most of her classes were focused on the reviews for the upcoming exams or being given free time to work on the assignments. There was less than a week left of school and Juno couldn't wait for the semester be over, for her to have a break, for her to leave.


At the end of the school day, as Juno was making her way home, Luna Elizabeth called for her. Juno knew that Luna had at least a little something planned, she always had something planned for her birthday. Juno did not enjoy her birthday, something that had been spoiled for her since being abandoned.

Per usual, Luna Elizabeth was flawlessly put together. She looked absolutely radiant, her pretty blonde hair perfectly styled and her baby bump was pronounced by her choice of outfit. The Luna was strikingly beautiful and she always seemed incredibly put together.

The afternoon was filled with light-hearted small talk in the Luna's kitchen, something that had become sort of a common practice for the two of them in the past couple of years. Alpha Alexander was once again away on a business trip, which Juno was grateful for, glad to not have to risk seeing him. Where the Luna was always nice and sweet, the Alpha was mean and cruel. At least in Juno's opinion. Surely, Luna Elizabeth's opinion of the man was much different than hers.

"I made you cookies because I know that you're not a fan of cake," Luna said as the kitchen timer rang, and the smell of the baked goods permeated the air. Juno was grateful for Luna, the way that she made an effort for her.

The cookies would be too hot for either of them to handle, too warm and soft to be able to hold their shape. For the time being, all the two of them could do was enjoy the hot chocolate that had been made and continue their lighthearted conversation.

"Oh! I got you a gift," Luna cried as if she had remembered something much more important than a simple gift. "Be right back,"

It was odd, Luna Elizabeth hadn't gotten her many gifts in the past, just little trinkets here and there. Of course, there was going to be some sort of present from Luna, knowing just who she was. Juno knew that Luna tried hard to make sure that she could feel almost normal.

It was moments before she returned to the kitchen, holding a small box in her hands. She hands it over to Juno and seems giddy, and happy with her gift choices.

It was a necklace.

The silver-colored pendant was an eight-point star with small gems in the center. It did not look like a cheap purchase, something that immediately made Juno feel like she was unworthy of the gift.

 She never had nice things, especially just handed to her. Granted, she knew that Luna Elizabeth only meant the best for her and that she had always done the best she was able to given the restrictions of this town's biases and her own mate's disinterest. Juno knew better than to refuse her gift, not wanting to upset Luna.

"Oh, come on, it's not like you turn 18 every day. It's a big day for you, Juno!" Luna Elizabeth said, her joy making it hard for Juno to protest. She still couldn't believe that she had been given something so nice, her self-esteem still telling her that she didn't deserve it.

"It is pretty," Juno responded lamely, uncertain of how to approach the gift. In past years, Luna Elizabeth had gotten her smaller, more practical items. Never had it been jewelry.

"Oh let me put it on," Luna insisted. The necklace was removed from the box and Luna Elizabeth was gentle with her approach of placing it on Juno's neck and clasping it. She was careful in making sure that her hair did not get caught in the clasp. Juno was immediately aware of the slight weight, not used to wearing any jewelry. She knew that the gift was a nice sentiment and it was a pretty necklace, she just couldn't help but feel undeserving. Spending years of her life told that she wasn't good enough for anything made her genuinely believe it.

"Thank you...this is really nice," Juno insisted, not knowing how to be less awkward about the whole encounter. Luna Elizabeth was still someone that she didn't know how to approach. She had always been kind and considerate to Juno, but still, she seemed like a stranger, someone who could just feel obligated to take care of her. But if that were true, Luna Elizabeth wouldn't have gotten her such a nice gift.

"I know you're leaving soon and I just wanted to make sure that you had something to remember me by," Luna Elizabeth confessed, her soft, pretty features suddenly serious. Juno was confused by her words, how could she know of her plans to leave? How much of her conversations with Imogen and the Kingston Association did she know about?

"What?" Juno was apprehensive, unsure of how much Luna knew. She shared so much personal stuff with Imogen, stuff that she wasn't sure she wanted other people to know about.

"I know that you have chosen to join Kingston, and I am glad for you. I know that they'll be good for you," Luna said, and it was clear at that moment just how much she cared for Juno. "don't look so worried. All they've said is that you've accepted their invitation, they've been completely confidential."

It had been Luna to recommend Juno to the Kingston Association, knowing that they could give her more help than she could ever get here. Luna Elizabeth had done all that she could in the past five years, but it was clear to her that Juno was not thriving here. Juno had mentioned months ago that she wanted to leave and had even mentioned wanting to go to the east coast. The Kingston Association was good, and Elizabeth knew from personal experience just how great of an organization that they were. She has been aware of them for almost as long as she has been Luna of Washington.

Luna Elizabeth and Juno continued their afternoon festivities, now with cookies that were a more manageable temperature. The Verdansky home was warm and inviting, and part-way decorated for Christmas. Luna said that she was waiting for Alpha Alexander to return home from his most recent business trip.

Juno was happy, genuinely happy. She enjoyed being with Luna Elizabeth and she liked how she didn't have to worry about anything for the afternoon. For now, she didn't have to think about school, or how cold her little cabin gets in December, or Percy. She could simply enjoy her day and know that so long as she stayed with Luna Elizabeth she would be safe and well taken care of.

Luna Elizabeth was the closest thing Juno had to a friend. She wouldn't say that aloud, knowing that was not the actual dynamic of their relationship. Luna was her legal guardian, someone who was there to make sure that she was taken care of. Juno would miss her when she left for New York. Luna had been the one to show her kindness, to show that Juno was deserving of love. She had been turned out by her family and this pack, but none of that mattered to Luna Elizabeth. She had seen someone hurting and knew that she could make them hurt less.

It was a good birthday for Juno. Better than she had expected. Better than they had been in a very long time. For once, she felt content. 


1508 words. Published 01.02.2023. Edited 12.23.2023

The Liability (2023 - COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora