Closing Note:

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I first started this project the summer of 2016. That was 7 years ago!! I have since graduated high school and college!! 

I think that it was a good thing to officially give Ava the story she deserved. There have been two or three complete overhauls of this story, but this is by far the one I am most proud of. So have a few facts, cause I always think that's fun.

Total word count: 35,278

- Percy is the character with the largest change through the different drafts. In the early stages he was named Asher and like a stereotypically bad person. It was a really big thing for me to make him a sympathetic and redeemable character, even if his motivations are kinda questionable.

- This draft has a completely different approach to the pregnancy and her adjusting to being with Kingston. In previous drafts she was immediately accepting of both and just "cured" of the way she felt which is completely unrealistic. 

- Arthur is the only new character for this version. Everyone else mentioned is an edited version of their previous selves. I realized too late that Arthur, Anna, and Avalon is a lot of A names for this group of characters (especially because all are in book 2 too!) but I like them all separately. 

You might be wondering "why is there an epilogue if you're planning a book two? that's not common in series." That is because I am known for going on long hiatuses or discontinuing projects but I felt like it was important for Ava to have a happy ending, even if I never finish the next installments.

Speaking of installments, I plan on uploading book two, The Intensity, mid-July. I will update here when it actually gets posted. May I suggest my other completed story, Change of Heart, to hold you over until then.  

Until next time,


The Liability (2023 - COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now