XIV - The Consummation

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 Juno couldn't sleep.

That wasn't the part that was all new or surprising. She was used to being up at all hours of the night, her body refusing to let her rest. She struggled for sleep, but her body protested more than normal, craving for something. For someone.

She felt uncomfortable in her skin, far too warm. Which didn't make sense to her, knowing how cold it was in her little cabin. She had been freezing when she had gone to bed, yet now it felt as though she couldn't get her layers off fast enough.

Juno had gone into heat, her body calling out for her mate. Her body demanded the attention that it deserved, finally deciding that being unclaimed for the past year had been unacceptable. Where the more human, more sensible, parts of Juno and Percy had just begun to understand what their bond would mean for them, the more animalistic side decided that it was time to consummate their bond. The pull during a heat cycle, especially the first, was nearly inescapable.

Her body was ready for him, calling out to him. It did not take long for him to respond, somehow knowing that his mate had gone into heat. The short distance across the small town meant nothing to their bond and it did not take long for him to arrive at her little cabin. He had run in his wolf form, knowing that it was the faster and warmer option. Granted, that meant he had been in the nude when he arrived at her cabin. It was why he intentionally searched for her in his human form previously, not wanting to startle her.

Not that he minded being in the nude, especially when he had gotten out of the cold. Her cabin wasn't much warmer than the outdoors, but at least it was dry. Even in the dark, it was easy to find her, on the small bed. All of her blankets had been shoved to the floor, clearly feeling the effects of her heat. She was in nothing more than an oversized shirt, the effect of her heat unable for her to handle anything more.

Percy knelt next to the bed, not wanting to overwhelm her with his presence. He reached out for her, the warmth of her skin welcome in the December cold, the spark of their bond feeling more alive than it ever had before. "Oh, Darling,"

"Percy," She breathes, turning to look at him. His curls were illuminated in the moonlight but most of his features were obscured. The place where his hand rested on her arm was the only place she felt relief from the pain of her heat. She craved to feel more of him, for him to extinguish the flames under her skin.

He was slow about approaching her, and Juno couldn't stand it, wanting to be completely wrapped up in him. She felt as though she physically couldn't get close enough to him. Even with the two of them in the small bed, she felt as though he couldn't be further away from her.

He was deliberate with his actions, in order to not move too quickly or to frighten her. She was curled up next to him, and he was gently stroking her hair. He wanted her to feel relief without making her feel pressured by his presence. If he were stronger, he would be the perfect gentleman and their first time wouldn't be during her heat. But it was Juno who caved to the physical nature of their bond first.

She pressed kisses against his chest, slowly trailing upwards until she found his mouth. These kisses were not like the ones from the other night. There was very little gentleness to them, they were feverish and frenzied. There was a certain urgency to Juno's kisses, as though she couldn't be satiated by his touch.


He was on top of her, their kisses still hot. She had lost her shirt and now was as nude as he was. His hands roamed her body as much as he could without toppling over. She was warm and soft and he liked the feeling of her. He wanted to be intimately acquainted with every curve of her, to know every inch of her skin. It was a shame that it was so dark in this little room, he wanted to be able to see all of her, to have a chance to get to know all of her.

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