27| Realising

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So much blood.

On my hands, my face, my clothes, on that road, on the ambulance floor, on the white sheets of the stretcher, on the hospital tiles.

All his blood.

And mine only few.

Why wasn't it me?

I have zero recollection of how I got here, I just know I wasn't myself after seeing his bloodied face.

Someone heard my scream and called the ambulance.

I tried so hard to talk to him, but he didn't listened, he didn't opened his eyes. His kind eyes didn't open.

He didn't wake up to my voice.

He didn't.

He didn't.

That was my last thought tracing the dried blood of him on my grey track suit.

And then darkness.


The sound of distant bleeping felt heavy on my ears. Why did I kept that alarm?

I reach out to snooze it, only my arm didn't lift, my fingers felt heavy. Something prickles on my palm, making the skin around it itch.

Slowly I open my eyes, trying to gauge in the bright lights, the smell that hit me was sterile, so clean.

And then the white ceiling.

Where am I?


I look at my side, seeing my brother seated by the bed, his office shirt crumpled and his hairs disheveled. So unlike him.

"B-bhai?" I croak out. My throat felt like a sand paper.

He gets up and hands me a paper cup. Greedily I drink it all in, relishing the sooth to my dry throat.

"How are you now?" He asks, his eyes taking in the tubes attached to my hands.

"What happened?" My brain is frozen, nothing came in my memory.

He frowned, "Mina, you and Yousuf were in a accident."


Please go away Dr. Khanzada go away!

Minahil stop walking!


So much blood it was.

"No." Panic grip my voice, "No bhai no!" I try to get up, throwing away the blanket covering me. I was still in my track suit, which had traces of him.

"Mina! Calm down!" Bhai tries to reach me.

"No!" I shake my head, "He-he took my fall bhai! It should've been me! I was supposed to get hit! Not him!"

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