36| Seminar

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"In 1986 Anne Adams was working as a cell biologist at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada

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"In 1986 Anne Adams was working as a cell biologist at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. She took a leave of absence from her work to care for a sick child, and while she was away, she completely changed her interests, dropping biology entirely and turning her attention to art. In 1994 she completed her painting...." Dr. Khanzada trails off his explanation after getting no response from us.

Looking up from the text book, he raises an eyebrow looking at the sleepy faces of barely present tweleve students present.

"It's boring, isn't it?" He winces.

His eyes stop on mine and I nod guiltily.

He looks at Abbie beside me who was fighting sleep with all her power.

It was an unexpected rainy day.

The air become surprisingly cool and only few students came to uni.

Abbie had full plans to sleep in, but I dragged her from her house because I wanted to attend Dr. Khanzada's class.

Dr. Khanzada closes the textbook, and removes the mic set, he walks around the lectern and leans on it, "Alright," he claps his hands loudly making Ceren and Gamze startle from their sleeps.

"Right, good morning ladies, let's try to be active, alright?" He looks around the class, "Let's stop studying for a while and do something else."

"Like what, sir?" Esra asks confused.

He snaps his fingers, "The good ol' talking, how is that?"

Ceren perks up, "Sounds intresting."

"I think I've caught the intrest, huh?" He chuckles, "Okay, so who wants to talk?"

Abbie raises her hand, "Sir, how about we ask questions to you?"

He raises an eyebrow, "Me?"

Gamze and Deniz nods in intrest, "Sure, that sounds intresting, can we sir?"

Dr. Khanzada shrugs, "Worst could be asked about my wig."

We all laugh at him.

"Sir!" Sedef, a usually silent girl raises her hand.

"Sedef, sure." He points his hand at her and gives her a smile.

She blushes. I raise an eyebrow and let out a scoff.

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